Captured Zanzan Nobles (Part-2)

Although Alexander did not show, internally, he was extremely furious with that man.

And it was not because of the threats he had made.

Those Alexander only saw as the barkings of a mad dog.

But what really ticked him off was how that man had surely tortured other innocent people to death.

So taking the dagger, Alexander plunged it deep into the man's chest,

"*Aghhhhhh!* You dare! When my father… arghhhh" 

Even as the man let out an ear splitting painful howl, he still could not stop from threatening Alexander, while Alexander himself only sneered, 

"Noble! What noble? I only see a dog in human skin, panting like a miserable beast,"

As he then brought the huge knife downward diagonally, ripping open the chest and producing an extremely large, undoubtedly mortal wound.

"Aghhhhhh! Kill! I will…. arghhhh"