Alexander and Phillips (End)

Alexander had all by himself determined the life partner of his friend and general, Menes.

That too with just a few words inside a room and not a single word of consultation from the man in question.

If he had been in modern times, it would have certainly caused an outrage no matter how loyal the subordinate might have been.

However, in this time period, this was very natural.

In fact, the lord choosing one's life partner was seen as a great honor, as it meant the couple would have his wholehearted blessing.

And there were even some unions that very much needed one's superior's tacit approval, such as if the union was political in nature.

And due to the fact that the matter of the marriage of the Tibian princess was both, it was only a matter of course that Alexander intervened.

He also knew that Menes would not dare say no to him, and neither would he have any excuses as he was unmarried.