Philips's Signing of The Treaty (Part-2)

Philips's signing of the treaty with Alexander would be in later years immortalized by a famous painting titled- 'The Pact of two Lands.'

It would be a very significant work, shaping both the artistic world as well as the political world around the two lands for years to come.

Although the famous artist drawing it would take certain creative liberties with the accuracy of the occurring events.

Perhaps even a bit too much creative freedom by some accounts.

For the painting would show Alexander garbed in a regal white and purple tunic, sitting on an imposing throne surrounded by his retainers under a clear blue sky, as Philips approached him on a black horse dressed in pure white.

The colors depicted here would be very symbolic, with Alexander's purple denoting his imperial and victorious status.

The black horse that Philips came riding to meet Alexander symbolized the former's crushing defeat and the subsequent dismay.