Dividing the Lands (Part-4)

In order to introduce his new farming techniques, Alexander planned on selecting a few thousand Tibian farmers and providing them with all the 'modern' tools.

He would then offer them a contract promising them a fixed salary for their work, as well as a portion of the harvest as a way to remove their uneasiness over the new technology, 

In this way, Alexander hoped to showcase the effects of his innovations to all the nearby farmsteads and nobles, thus making them adopt the new way by themselves.

That was the plan for now, although Alexander kept it to himself, and quickly rejoined the conversation in a concluding tone, 

"Is grain and other produce all that Tibias produces? Or are there some more local specialties I'm not aware of?"

"Of course, there are, my lord!" And Philips's quick response to Alexander made his voice sound almost a bit offended at the innuendo, as the Crown Prince then quickly went on to list,