Public Library (Part-1)

The term 'Public Library' written just above the building's gate in large bold white letters was enough to capture Prince Prince Perikles's interest the moment he laid eyes upon them.

And for a moment he was confused by it.

Prince Perikles of course knew the two words.

But always separately.

He had never heard of, much less seen them together.

"What is that building for? The words say public library. Is it a library meant for the higher ups of the city?"

Hence, thinking at first that it was meant as a public place for the higher ups, Prince Perikles turned to one of his bodyguards to ask this.

The prince did not even contemplate whether it could really be a library open to the commoners because in his mind, that very idea was too ridiculous to even consider.

'What are these lowly peasants going to do with books? They cannot read or write!' The prince had thought to himself.