Games Night With Alexander (Part-10)

As Mean moved her piece from the 'King's Chance' to the Dungeon, she lampooned over her luck.

To think she would get caught on the 1,000 ropals limit twice in one game.

And in the latter case she even possessed the advantage, she had just misread the card.

It was not only mortifying, it was also humiliating.

Until suddenly a great idea flashed through.

She figured she had found an exploit.

"Wait! I can give my money away, can't I? That way I won't have a thousand ropals," Saying this she turned to look at Alexander like she had discovered fire and then instantly turned to face Cambyses, "Mistress! I see you are running a bit short. Would you like some money? It's free money!" 

Mean's eyes twinkled as said this, holding in her hands a crisp 500 ropal note, making sure the denomination was large enough to entice Cambyses.

The rest of the room could only sigh at how bizarre this game of Monopoly had turned into.