Games Night With Alexander (End)

As Princess Camelia's move ended, it became Mean's turn to go.

"Come on doubles!" The girl could be heard shouting as she shook the two dies in her hands.

And then let it rip.

The two dice quickly began to spin and spin and spin, using up their stored momentum, until, 

"Ahhh!" much to Mean's disappointment, one of the dice produced a 1!

"*Sigh*, well it was nice playing with you," Thus she casually lifted the dog figure off the board, and then took a large mouthful of drink from the pitcher nearby as punishment.

With Mean 'disappearing', next came Cambyses's turn, and she landed on a 'King's Chance', something that caused her to actually curse, "Oh come on! Why this one?"

Under normal monopoly, Cambyses actually quite liked landing on 'Chance'.

But after seeing the kind of weird, quacky cards Alexander had made for this version, such enthusiasm had waned.

Now she only wanted to land on property spaces.