
Alexander's trip from the port of Zanzan to Galiosos took exactly 13 days, with the entire journey being mostly uneventful, save for the constant rocking and swing courtesy of the choppy, that soon made both Lady Nanazin and Lady Parthia sea sick as none were accustomed to this rough tumble.

And this tussle meant sadly meant none of those fun times promised to Alexander by them were possible.

Thus the man mostly spent his time with Lord Janus on getting to know the situation a bit better, asking him various in depth questions about the matter, while subsisting on dried, tasteless food and stale water made bearable only through the mixing of copious amounts of vinegar.

While at other times, Alexander would occasionally take a stroll through the ship, both appreciating the old, 'rustic' design, taking in the novel sights, but also lampooning its size.