Lady Miranda vs Miss Linda

The loss of control of the military as confessed by Lady Miranda sent a great blow to Alexander.

What he had feared most had come true.

And worse it was an unimaginable mismatch.

5,000 vs 22,000!

More than a four fold mismatch, with 2,000 of that being cavalry. 

Even if the 5,000 legionaries were the famed warriors of Sparta, and they were only facing 22,000 green peasants, Alexander would not be hopeful of his chances.

Heck, even if those 22,000 were mere pigs, he would be hard pressed to win.

Alexander at best could fight as much as twice his numbers in a pitched battle and still hold hope to eke out a victor by relying on the use of clever tactics.

But anything more than that, and he would be hard pressed to do anything other than defend and hold on.

Quantity had a quality of its own as they say.

Thus for a moment, Alexander regretted not bringing more troops, even if there was the risk of them mutinying.