Alexander's Trade Routes

Lady Miranda chose to be very clear in retelling the difficulties Alexander would face when trying to negotiate some sort of settlement with the Heeat family- which was that they wanted an abnormally high percentage of the trade

"The family wants nine tenths of the profits in exchange for giving such access to the safe routes. However if Quentin is made the family's next head, then they promised they will drop it to one-tenth!" Lady Miranda complained bitterly.

While Alexander almost had a heart attack at the sheer greed on display.

He was beginning to see why most of the Margraves had switched sides because there was almost no benefit to sticking with Lady Miranda.

It made no logical sense.

So Alexander then asked, "...Are none of them afraid I will refuse to sell them my goods if they oust you and tear up my free trade agreement? Surely they will give me some face right?"