Miss Linda (Part-1)

*Knock*, *Knock*, *Knock*

The solid yet polite thuds against the door felt like nails slamming against his coffin to Alexander as his heart skipped several beats.

That was how usually these types of assassinations happened right?

An innocent knock on the door.

Followed instantly by a flurry of furious jabs the moment it was opened, not giving the opener even a second to react.

Alexander's overly cautious mind could not help but conjure these various types of fearful scenarios, imagining words like the following drifting out from the door, 'Boy! Open the door! We need to talk!'

Alexander felt his heart sink at the grim possibility and his eyes instantly darted towards the open window right next to him.

'Can I jump?' He optimistically thought, but given he was on the first third of the stone mansion, found it very unlikely.