New Plans

"Lady Miranda, are you sure your impartial father in law is as impartial as he seems?" As Alexander accompanied the lady back to the main mansion, the frustration in his voice rang loud and clear across the empty corridors.

And both Lady Miranda and Lord Cassius flushed.

Neither thought the old man would be so obstinate, so they could only take it when Alexander further complained, "Forget everything else, he did not even agree to issue a night curfew. Surely that would have helped the people of the city."

Alexander seriously began to doubt the old man's integrity.

"I… I'm sure father has his reasons Lord Alexander," While Lord Cassius tried to defend his old man, quickly reassuring, "I'm sure he is just confused on the details. He has been in bed for so long that….bad actors have managed to muddle him. I will be sure to talk to him again. Rest assured, Lord Alexander."