Achillas And Miss Linda (Part-2)

Achillas got to meet the two women he came to see at Miss Linda's chambers, where the latter was seen hugging her infant son in her bosoms, sitting by a sunny window and lovingly caressing him.

The trio was allowed to meet all alone, i.e.- without the presence of any guards, something that Alexander had quite vocally groaned about when Achillas had initially asked for it.

"I am afraid that is not possible. Lady Linda is an honored guest and her safety is our utmost priority," Alexander had initially cited, brushing past the general's claim that with the legionaries present, the noble lady might feel intimidated and would not be able to speak truthfully in fear of retaliation.

However, this not so subtle innuendo that Achillas might actually harm the noble lady, the very woman who was the spouse of his lord and lover, incensed the man.

The muscular man could not believe the other side would even suspect him of doing such a heinous act.