Slice of Caira (Part-2)(R-18)

Chapter 1122

As Alexander waited for things to turn better, Lady Nanazin made to be always ready and willing to comfort her man, be it kneeling, laying, bending over, or taking any other of the hundred different positions her young and virile master oh so desired.

She was always but a moment's notice away from heeding his orders.

And the man certainly took full advantage of it, mating almost anywhere and everywhere in the entire mansion, in many places that would even be usually too taboo to do these things, such as the dining table or the guestroom, all made possible by the fact no one allowed to move around the place freely.

Thus they were able to do many things that no normal couple did.

Among as such games, what was perhaps Alexander's favorite game was that he would ask Lady Nanazin to get under the huge table of his study while he was working, and tell her to keep him 'focused'.

Of course, it did not need to be said how.