Battle For Phyrros Island (Part-2)

(New Map in Comments/Discord)

Upon landing ashore, Alexander's legionnaires quickly began to get in formation, lest the enemy were to suddenly become aware and try to attack them in their most vulnerable state.

Thus the soldiers locked their shields and ran forward, trying to secure their positions. 

While the camp servants followed up from the rear, carrying all the heavier equipment, such as tents, logs, and stakes on their shoulders.

They disembarked after the soldiers, using the ship's rope ladders to slowly get down, and being careful not to wet their equipment, as many of the things they carried such as cloth, and flint for starting a fire did not mesh well with water.

"Darn, it's freezing here! How the fuck did our guys jump straight into it without flinching a bit?"

And even when it was just their shoes that got wet, one of them could not help but break out into a curse upon feeling the chilly ocean thrashing against them.