Legionary vs Heeat Family

As the fight aboard Remus's ship raged on, there came several instances, when the enemy's breakthrough seemed imminent, and was only stifled by a barrage of concentrated fire from the Instant bows, which turned the brave few leading the charge into porcupines and discouraged any of the others from continuing.

Sure, if the enemy had still pressed on regardless, like wild berserkers, then they might have been able to very well overrun the defenses, as even the instant bows had to reload their shots.

But the vast majority of the men were not that suicidal. 

Add to that the sheer shock and awe factor of this brand new, never before seen weapon, and it helped Remus constantly deter the enemy from trying any such manic endeavors, as the Heeat family officers still remained unsure of the exact properties of this novel weapon.