Caught Atop The Bridge (Part-2)

As Lord Parker's reinforcements arrived at the bridge, they found themselves with a pleasant surprise waiting for them.

Because off in the distance, past the standard of the enemy displaying a large blue flower against a white background, there was the sight of another standard proudly waving in the wind- a standard that was allied to them

It was the Margraves emblem- a golden balance with two coins resting against a field of green.

This flag indicated that there was an allied unit on the rear flanks of the enemy, and with Lord Parker's reinforcements pressing from the front- well the rat was cornered as they say.

It was a sight that brought great joy to the clad in black men, especially since they were not at all expecting this aid.

By all accounts, these men should have been away rescuing Lord Kite.

But for whatever they had not gone there but instead chose to attack the enemy here.

And these attackers were happy about it.