Clash of The Margraves (Part-2)

Aboard the largest Margraves ship, its flagship, currently a very weird and tense situation was unfolding.

On its decks were close to ten to fifteen men divided into two neat groups, each menacingly staring down the other with their swords fully drawn.

But neither seemed willing to make the first move, treating the imaginary line dividing them like a giant impassible chasm.

Which was strange given one side grossly outnumbered the other- around three to one to be precise.

It was a discrepancy that shocked Lord Bernard to his core, for he did not think Ser Robert was this popular.

Most of the time when a lord chose to deal with a commander, the rest would mostly select to keep their mouth shut and simply observe, fearing his wrath would be upon them next.

Thus for so many to take arms in open defiance of his orders, it stunned the man so much so that he did not dare to make a move.