Bloody Hand to Hand (Part-2)

Alexander watched the two huge Margraves ships bulldoze towards his rear with fearful incredulity in his heart.

'Why are they attacking us now?' He found himself asking, for it was clear to all that neither side was in any shape to fight. 

Nothing good could appear out of this for either of them. 

Of course, he remained completely oblivious to the attack and subsequent great wound inflicted on their general by one of his men, carried out without his permission. 

And thus the source of the enemy's fury and insistence to commit this suicidal act remained a mystery to him.

They only seemed like suicidal desperados to him.

And speaking of desperados, the nearly thousand men atop the bridge who saw their general fall too became utterly enraged and losing all concerns for their own lives began to dash after the ships that were still close by, intending to rain arrow and javelin fire on them.

"Run faster! Do not let these scums get away!"