Cambyses's Hurdles (Part-1)

In the coming days, Miss Linda and Lord Bernard would continue to gnaw at Lord Macht's power, trying to replace him and his men with their own, with the ultimate goal of Lord Bernard taking over the entire army.

However, the pair would be unable to accomplish that last part, as the drowning man would be saved by a re-emergent Lord Parker.

The young lord seemed to have finally been able to shed the shadow of losing Achillas, and at last, responding to Lord Macht's repeated pleas, decided to take hold of the helm of the ship before he sank with it.

Seeing him, the Heeat soldiers who were all just a second ago scattered and ready to tear each other apart for more power and influence all of a sudden dropped everything and rallied behind their one true lord presenting a fully unified front.

This near altruistic behavior of giving up power might have seemed a bit strange to an outsider, but when one thought about it, it was all too natural.