Metztil's Men (Part-2)

Metztil personally oversaw the recruitment of his men and found the response from his tribe to be staggeringly positive.

He had barely needed to utter his want and literally almost every able bodied youth in the entire tribe decided to sign up, breaking the record of gathering a staggering 10,000 men, plus servants and slaves in just 3 days.

The results very much gratified the man.

Although he knew a large part of the positive response was due to the land and not his own skills, it still bolstered Metztil's morale.

And he could not help but feel this was where he belonged, out in the field with the people.

The very air he breathed here felt lighter and fresher here, very different from the stuffy, stale air he found himself inhaling the moment he met with those black bellied dishonest nobles full of twisted knots in their guts.