Lady Linda's Fate (Part-3)

As Alexander sat opposite the lady and talked, he found that conversing with her was actually quite pleasant. 

The defeated lady appeared to have let go of a lot of her inborn arrogance and with a face as beautiful as her's, it made any man feel flattered to have her attention. 

While Miss Linda for her part also kept talking in order to try and make a better impression on Alexander. 

Thus she kept talking, recounting how she knew so much about how soldiers were paid.

"It was my grandfather. He wanted to prepare me for the family's takeover. So he personally taught me many things… including how to lead and finance an army." 

At this point, Miss Linda's eyes went a bit misty as she recalled her grandfather's many pieces of advice. One of which was that as a mercantile family, coin was always their favorite weapon and that they should splurge on it without restraint when it came to defending it.