
It was one thing to figure out which medicine to eat depending on the symptoms you were showing, it was another thing entirely different to figure out why that medicine worked the way it did.

The former was something that could be done by simple trial and error, while the latter needed magnitudes more effort and knowledge.

Alexander lampooned realizing this, forcing himself to come to terms with the fact that perhaps the mysteries of that magical herb would perhaps remain forever unknown to him.

"What? Is there a problem?"

It was Miss Linda's sudden chime next to his ears that finally jolted Alexander back to the present.

"No! I was simply thinking about how to get you the herbs. It grows only in tiny quantities around a very special area in the capital and its distribution is strictly controlled by the king." 

He was quick to make up a convincing excuse.

"Hmmm… I see!" Miss Linda also did not press him after hearing that.