Arrya (Part-1)

The once childish Fabiyana now appeared far more mature than when Alexander had left her.

Aged twelve, almost thirteen, she was much taller and her body had started to display all the secondary female characteristics, as evidenced by how snuggly her body fit the elegant flowery pink dress she was wearing.

It seemed puberty had finally hit her with all its force and she was beginning to grow increasingly healthy. 

This was also perhaps in part due to the all rich food she was having- meat, eggs, fish, sugar, butter, you name it. Most of these high calorific foods would be present in almost every one of her meals, a luxury that her father could have never afforded even if he had tried. 

Combine this with all the playtime she had running around outside with Alexander's children, and it was little wonder she was starting to bloom. 

And along with her body's development, Fabiyana seemed to have also grown a bit in terms of the mind.