Origins of Saffron

By the time Alexander finished touring the southern district, the sun had nearly started to set.

Hence, burdened with the pressure of time and all the gifts he was already carrying, the pasha decided to defer that tour to the next day.

He would return home to the joyous outcries of his kids, who excitedly giggled over the toys he had bought for them.

*Rattle*, *Rattle*, *Rattle*, 

Those earthen 'maracas' seemed to have been their favorite.

As for the jewelry he bought for his wives, well, they were received in a much more refined manner. 

The ladies were of course grateful, but it was not like they lacked such things. Alexander's conquest of the lands had landed him enormous amounts of the stuff. Just the Tibian royal treasury had literal piles of gold and silver jewelry of every possible kind.

Hence, what truly moved them was the saffron spice Alexander had bought.