Two Types of Banks

The various nobles who suddenly wanted to meet with Prince Philips and rope him into their group did so with obvious purpose.

Getting the eldest son of the king to join their cause would be like getting the Moby Dick of legitimacy.

It was just too bad that their hastiness had led to their untimely detection. 

Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched like a hawk even as they were just starting out. 

But this was also perhaps a great showcase of why most of them were small houses to begin with. They lacked the necessary skills and experience to be competent, to covertly plot and scheme. 

This was also one of the reasons why Alexander's own reaction to such developments was one of relief and not much surprise. 

It was only reasonable for a land that had managed to stave off the enormous Adhania's expansion for millennia to not be subdued just after a few defeats. 

The want to continue to resist was natural.