As the group waited for Alexander's verdict, his own eyes drifted between the two parties, before finally landing on the third piece- the box containing the proposed jewelry.
It did not take a brilliant man to find it suspicious that Cambyses would have such a specific ornament so conveniently with her. Not only were these items custom made but also, only the most trusted goldsmiths were even allowed to make them.
And these men worked solely for the nobles and were known to keep their mouths shut about whatever 'adult' toys their masters ordered.
Because whatever you might want to say about the Adhanian nobles and whatever they did in their homes, one thing was certain- they were very careful about public image and never aired their dirty laundry.
Hence for Cambyses to have such a precious item without Alexander's knowledge….
The man chose to openly ask his wife regarding this, to which Cambyses frankly admitted with a shrug,