Lady Parthia let out an ear piercing scream like she had never before as she felt Alexander's hips smash into her fluffy ass for one last time, scalding her insides with his release, and making her tunnels convulse like crazy.
Her head arched back, she shot up on her toes and her sight almost became pure white from the pleasure as her entire body seemed to be in the midst of violent shaking.
"Aghhh!" While in the back, feeling the trembling of the curvy body, Alexander firmly pulled the standing lady's hands towards him, thus locking her in place as he deposited his gift right into her hot, womb.
*Pump*, *Pump*, *Pump*
The sensation of his throbbing penis pulsating as it let out jets of the hot scream was too heavenly to describe, especially as the canal walls squirmed and danced uncontrollably to pleasure him, coaxing out more and more of the heavenly stuff.