"Dammit! This fucking rain! Hey! Get the food and money upstairs! Quickly, quickly!"
"Ahhhh… ruined! My clothes! They are all ruined Wuuuuuuu…"
"Amir! Stop crying and go help your father get the firewood! There are no crocodiles in the water! Or else you won't get any breakfast!"
"How will you even start a fire in this water mother? Let me go buy some food instead!"
"Donkey of a brat! Which shop is open in this weather? Now go to your father before I whip your ass!"
Such and many more cries pervaded throughout the streets of Zanzan as morning broke, letting the people come to the realization of the disaster striking them.
Many had their homes and shops submerged by the dirty, grimy water, which carried with them all sorts of nasty rubbish and harmful wastes from all over the city, as well as various broken pieces of stone, wood, and metal debris, making moving around even in the homes very difficult.