C2: The Gaming System

Everyone was confused.

A strange voice suddenly appears. Tell them they are being invaded by one of the minions of the god of evil. Give them... whatever kind of powers. Tell them some information about the wristband and other things. And just leaves?

Jordan then glanced at the red colored wristband on his hand. It had appeared out of thin air which startled him for a second before he listened to the words of the mysterious voice telling about the wristband.

As he glanced at the Zombies outside, they were now un-freeze running to wherever they felt a human scent.

Jordan noticed that their behavior became stranger as they started to try and push some doors but to no avail.

To get their special powers, the voice stated that they need to kill one Zombie. Jordan took a glance at the drawer on the side of his room and started to walk towards it.

He took the knob of the drawer and pulled it revealing an old gun.

There was a time when a robber sneaked into his house. The robber was a dumb person and forgot his gun in the house. Jordan kept it in case anything similar happened and he needed to protect himself.

This was the first time he had ever used the gun. But Jordan also knew that if he were to stay silently inside the house, then at some point, a strong Zombie was going to come and what if the Zombie had a strong defense? If so, then the gun would be pointless.

Jordan took out the gun from the drawer and checked the bullets.


Jordan was startled for a second before looking at the door.

'perfect timing.'

Jordan ran up to the door and took a deep breath before unlocking the door. He jumped back after the door was swung open which revealed a Zombie looking straight at Jordan with hungry eyes.

The Zombie started to crazily run toward Jordan as he pulled the trigger.

*BANG* *Crack*

The bullet penetrated the Zombie's skull and the Zombie fell, unmoving.

Jordan quickly ran up to the door and shut it right and locked it before looking at the wristband that glowed a dark red color.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

[You've killed a {Level 1} normal Zombie.]

[Loading your powers...]

[Congratualtion on receiving the {??? Rank} Gaming System]

"A... A system? Like from one of those novels that the protagonists get?" Excitement filled the eyes of Jordan as he looked at the message.

"The Gaming System?" Jordan looked at the words carefully.


[Congratulation on obtaining: The Gaming System. Host, I will be your guide and show you the basics of the system that are useful to you. If there are any questions, feel free to ask.]

A robotic voice spoke in his mind.

"How do you use the System? Like is there command need to open the panel for stats or quests?"


[No. The host just needs to have a thought for opening the stat panel or other panels. Everything works from mind control. The host needs to think of something in the panel and it will open.]

"Aaah, I see. You can start the tutorial."

[There are different tabs in the system. An example is the 'stat' tab.]

In front of Jordan's eyes, a white transplant screen appeared.

[Host Name: Jordan Blade]

[Host Age: 19]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 1]

[EXP: 10/100]

[HP: 100/100]

[Strength: 10]

[Defence: 5]

[Dexterity: 8]

[Perception: 5]

[Luck: 20]

[Points: 3]

"Can I add points now?" Jordan asked while looking at the 3 points.


Jordan added two points in Dexterity and One in defense.

Jordan could already feel the changes in his body. His speed was now much much quicker than before.

[There are other tabs other than stats. The tab next to the stat is the 'Quest' tab. Here you will gain some basic quests or some quests that are related to killing Zombies.]

Another Tab opened in front of Jordan.



[Kill 5 Zombies]

[Completion: 1/5]

[Reward: 5 points]

[Main Quests/ Hard Quests]


There was nothing too interesting except the Daily/Basic Quests.

Kill 5 Zombies was not an easy task but it was not hard either.

[There is another Tab 'Shop'. The shop can be used to buy basic survival things or weapons like swords and bows to kill Zombies. The currency for it is {Shop points}. Currently, you have 2 {Shop points}. After killing a Zombie you can either choose from the following two options ;]

[Option 1: Get a chance for a crystal]

[Option 2: Convert the energy of the Zombie into {shop points}]

[Note: The higher the level of the Zombie or the higher the rank of the Zombie, the more {shop points} will be given.]

"I understand." Jordan was really interested in it.

[The next is the Dungeons. The level 1 dungeon is filled with {Level 1 Zombies} and the boss is {Level 2 Zombie} The dungeon gives rewards such as {Shop points}, {EXP}, {weapons/armors/accessories} and {Points}. It's an excellent place to farm.]

"There is also a Dungeon?!" Surprisement filled the eyes of Jordan as he looked at the Dungeon tab.

[The last is the 'daily check-in'. There is a chance of {weapons/armor/accessories}, {Shop points}, {points}, {Pets}, {Mystry items} Host, do you want to check in now?]

"Check in? Of course, now I understand why it is called the 'gaming system'. It has everything related to gaming. Dungeons, shops, check-in, stats. Everything makes sense!"

[The host is correct!]

"Alright, check in."

*ding* *ding *ding

[You have received: 15 {points}]

[You have received: 10 {shop points}]

[You have received an SSS-grade weapon! Moon sword.]