Weapon Forging

Tyler didn't enter the shop but instead took the side gate to enter the shop's backyard. He wasn't the one working in the shop. As he entered, he rang the bell upon the entrance.

It was to notify people working behind that someone was entering. As he got inside, he was greeted by his boss Dan.

He was a tall, muscular man with a big mustache and clean, shaved cheeks. His goatee fitted him well.

"So, why were you absent yesterday?" As soon as he reached in front of him, Dan asked.

"Sorry, Master Dan, I felt weakness all over my body and had to sleep the entire day," Tyler responded with a lie that he had already made up.

"Ohh! Since it was urgent, I can't blame you but try to inform me beforehand. The work gets really slow without you. Even though we have Franky and Josh, they are far behind you in experience." Dan finally turned around and walked toward the massive pit.

In that pit, a massive flame was constantly melting the metal.

"Yes, master!"

It wasn't a master-slave relationship. Tyler calls him master because Dan taught him a lot about forging weapons. Not only that, but he also took Tyler in after his dad died.

Tyler didn't feel good about leaving him but didn't want to remain as a labor boy now that he had a chance to build his weapon.

After Dan removed melted metal from a large iron jar, Tyler brought a few different-shaped metal boxes. He had already put his lunches inside a room on the backside and was currently wearing metallic gloves.

His work was quite dangerous. He had to hold the metal boxes when Dan poured the liquid metal into them. Then, they put the whole metal into the water and start forging the shape.

Once the shape was forged, it was finally the turn to make a standard weapon into a cultivator's weapon. Now, Tyler prepares different kinds of liquid, and Dan dips each one of them into those liquids.

There were precisely four kinds of liquid. The first was one liquid made out of Mountain Crushing Bull's blood, melted Dexrot, and Spiritual energy. Dexrot was a metal ore found in the mountains of the Sunfry Region.

Mulan was a continent divided into seven regions, and Sunfry Region was one of them. There were several cities in this region, a massive forest, with hills and mountains reaching the sky.

His city was known as Poise City. Dexrot was a metal ore that could be found in the mountains closer to Poise City, and these mountains aren't that tall, either.

Dexrot ore has been known for its durability and flexibility. Thus, it has been used for almost all kinds of weapons. This mixture of liquid forms a coating around the weapon to make it more durable.

But, the next liquid was even more interesting. It was made out of nothing but Feuglace ore. This was quite a rare ore, so it is mainly diluted with hot metal liquid, but this ore has an exceptional quality.

It has the attribute of both fire and ice. It doesn't give the weapon those attributes but what it does is strengthen the weapon so that the weapon won't break even if it is used against fire or ice.

The concentration of this ore during this process also determines the rank of the weapon itself. And the third liquid is simply the spiritual liquid—a liquid form of spiritual energy.

It costs a lot of money to get this, so it also has a lot of impact on the overall price. After this, they don't dip it in the fourth liquid. Instead, they put the weapon in the freezer for six hours.

This allows the weapon to thoroughly soak all previous liquids and forge into a stronger weapon. Finally, they put the weapon into the last liquid, the mixer of all previous liquids, in a perfect ratio of 3:1:2 for the first, second, and third liquid, respectively.

And unlike the previous dipping, they put it there overnight. This was necessary for the sword to reach its maximum potential, thus finally becoming a First Rank Weapon.

For Second Rank, they double everything from the ratio to the time they keep inside those liquids. It would be the same for the Third Rank, except they triple everything.

But, the Fourth Rank is different. Not only do they increase everything, but they also use entirely new ores and metals. Dan only creates one Fourth Rank weapon yearly because materials aren't easy to buy.

Tyler had learned every little detail he needed to learn. He just needed more savings and time to open his own shop.

This day went as normal as it could be. He worked for ten hours and finally returned to his home. Before returning, he asked Dan to help him create a weapon.

Dan wasn't surprised since Tyler often asked him to give him a chance to create weapons. Typically, Dan would disagree since Tyler wasn't a cultivator, but after four years of work, he knows Tyler's strengths and capabilities.

So, he didn't mind it, especially in the fourth year. Tyler created a weapon for himself and asked if he could buy it at a low price. Dan laughed at his trick and decided to give him the weapon for free.

The weapon he created was a sword. Of course, it stayed in Dan's workhouse since it needed to soak that liquid overnight.

After he returned home, he found his mother sewing a new set of clothes.

"Mom, how are the sales recently?" He curiously asked as he sat in front of her, watching her sewing the clothes.

"Not much! Each day, I barely manage to sell 5 or 6 clothes to the vendors in our town. Nowadays, more and more people are becoming cultivators, and these clothes aren't good enough for them." Rose sighed helplessly and looked at her son.

"But, don't worry about me! I can do nothing but sew, so I will continue sewing more clothes to earn more."

"Mom, I am not talking about money. You are turning into your forties soon. Your eyesight has gotten weaker. This sewing will keep hurting your finger. I am thinking of having you as the weapon seller on the shop once I establish it. What do you think?" Tyler sighed and shook his head as he asked.

Rose shook her head and said, "You already work in Dan's shop. You know having a beautiful young lady as a seller in your shop will attract more people. You don't have to worry about me. I can work for a few more years with my eyesight."