Mulan Continent, Five Regions and Several Powerhouses

After twenty minutes of walking around the town, they finally found the Blue Moon Inn. Tyler and Alice entered the inn, which was quite crowded in the main room.

There were dozens of benches and desks filled with people. And there was a woman behind the bar desk. She was cleaning a glass with dozens of wines next to her.

"Welcome to Blue Moon Inn. Would you like to stay here tonight?" The woman greeted them when they approached her. Her eyes quickly fell on Tyler, just like the guard; she also noticed the extraordinary aura around him.

Her greeting was full of smiles and filled with enthusiasm.

"We would like to have two rooms. This is for me, and she will pay for her room." Tyler didn't want to take advantage of that guard, so he only used the card himself.

Alice's eyes twitched hearing that. But, she quickly asked, "How much is it for a night?"

"10 meso for the night and ten meso for breakfast tomorrow morning and tonight's dinner. Of course, you can have breakfast or dinner somewhere else." The woman smiled as she replied to Alice.

Since Tyler didn't want to take advantage of the card, she was pretty happy with it. After all, respect and relationship were one thing, and money was the other thing.

"Do I have to pay for breakfast?" Tyler asked.

"No, sir! Everything for you is on the house." The woman replied.

Alice took out two bronze coins. Both coins had ten written on one side and a picture of a giant temple on the other side.

"Take these keys! The room numbers are written on the keys. You can find your rooms on the second floor. Your dinner will be delivered in one hour." The woman handed over the keys to them.

Tyler took the key and looked at a number written on it.


He nodded and walked towards the second floor with Alice. Their room was next to each other. Alice wanted to talk more with Tyler, but he wasn't interested.

Whenever he was outside the simulator, his mindset completely changed. He simply entered the room. There was a bed in the corner, a table and a chair, a lamp, and a small mat on the ground.

He went to bed and sat on it. He had to wait for dinner, so he decided to collect his thoughts about something he had learned.

Constitution was something he didn't focus on too much inside the simulator since you have to read a separately new book dedicated to it.

But, now, he got a rough idea about the constitution.

Basically, any talent that isn't attached to his spiritual root is the constitution. It isn't a real physique but rather a spiritual one that can affect the real body.

Since Alice misunderstood his constitution, he decided to keep it that way. After all, he had no other explanation for his physical strength.

He couldn't say that he had Internal Energy Technique. He didn't even know whether they existed in this world or not.

Now, he had one big question.

What category does his Sword Affinity fall into?

It wasn't a spiritual root talent. It wasn't the constitution. It certainly wasn't a bloodline. So, what was it?

'Or maybe, it is a spiritual root talent? But, I am pretty clear that Lightning is the element I managed to awaken. So, what exactly is it?'

Tyler deeply thought about it, but after a while, he got bored. In the meantime, his food was delivered. So, he ate his dinner and went to sleep.

Next Morning,

It was a fine morning. Tyler woke up at six and then went down for breakfast. Alice also woke up soon after and finished her breakfast. Both wanted to go to the Holy Sanctum Branch, but it was closed.

It only opens at 10. So, they waited a few hours. During this time, Tyler basically chatted with her about the world. He knew almost nothing about this world.

His idea of the world was confined within Poise city and maybe a few cities nearby. He was surprised to find many things.

First, he learned about the division of the continent. Mulan was divided into seven regions. She didn't explain much about other regions, but she did explain a lot about their region.

Their region's name was Sunfry. It was pretty weird but alright. It had three major forces ruling over it; Guild, Families, and Clans.

There was one major guild which was obviously 'Holy Sanctum'.

There were three families, and unlike Clans, every region had three different families in power. Their region had Ditto, Lin, and Esobi. And something that was even more shocking was that five great families from Poise City were directly under Ditto Family.

It was the Ditto Family that separated those five brothers into five families and forced them to develop differently. Although Alice didn't reveal to him what these families do, she did warn him to look out for geniuses from Lin Family.

Because just like Ditto Family, Lin Family had five families under them.

Mu Family, Lan Family, Zhao Family, Zhu Family, and Su Family. And not only that, but every other city also had these families. It was astounding, but after the arrival of spiritual energy, these families got so powerful that they forced people to change their surnames and become their subordinates.

Unlike Ditto and Lin, Esobi Family had many small families. Still, they were unknown and the deadliest among others because they were directly connected to the underworld business.

Finally, there were four clans.

Blacksmith Clan! Alchemy Clan! Talisman and Array Clan! Martial Clan!

These clans are the main sources to produce the geniuses for martial arts, blacksmithing, alchemy, talisman, and array creations.

And unlike Guilds or Families, every region had the same four clans. It also meant among Guilds, Families, and Clans; Clans had better control over the regions.

Their chat lasted three hours until it was finally 10 am. They quickly rushed out of the inn and walked toward the tallest and the biggest building in this town.

Holy Sanctum Branch