Alice Family


"Helen, what is the meaning of this?" A man wearing a black suit smashed his fist on the table and shouted. He was sitting in front of a man wearing a green suit.

There was anger in his eyes when he spoke.

"It seems like my daughter made a deal with Dan Weapon Shop. So, please stay away from that shop, or else, it will be a battle." The man wearing a green suit calmly answered as he sipped tea.

"Helen, you do this and we will cut off the weapon transaction between us." Siran narrowed his eyes and coldly spoke.

"We can do that." Suddenly, a voice rang from behind. Siran turned around and saw Alice walking toward him.

Siran looked at the man in front of him and snorted "Jugo, I never expected your family to fall so low that now a kid can make a decision for your family."

"Ahh! Sorry, what did you say?" Alice pointed her ear at him and asked.

Siran's forehead twitched.

"Mr. Siran, thank you for your hard work. You brought a huge profit to our family. You should keep on picking fights like this." Alice smirked at his angry face and spoke.

"Jugo, it seems like you really want a war." Siran clenched his fist and spoke.

"Ahh! Did you forget something? We will fight soon. So, are you sure you want to fight right now?" Alice asked while looking at him with an insulting gaze.

Siran narrowed his eyes and stood up. He turned around but before leaving, he left his last words.

"It seems like the future of Helen Family will cripple on the tournament."

After threatening them, he finally walked out of the building.

"Alice, was that really okay? I kept my mouth shut just like you did but the other elders might not agree." Jugo looked at his daughter and asked.

"Don't worry father! Everything will be just fine. Besides, I have already prepared a big surprise for them, a surprise that would flatten them." Alice cruelly smiled as she spoke.


Suddenly, Harry appeared in front of the father and daughter.

"Miss, they have agreed."

"Wait, did you just threaten Sulen Family without even confirming the deal?" Jugo looked at his daughter with shock and asked. He couldn't believe his daughter made such a reckless move.

"Father, do you know the qualities of a smart man?" Alice asked.

"They can make a correct decision at any time and situation," Jugo answered.

"That would be one way to put it. But in my eyes, I think of smart men as those who are decisive. If you can't even decide on what you want to do, you will never be able to live longer."

"Tyler knew he would make enemies if he kills those people but he did kill them. He wasn't being stupid by doing so. Because not only he didn't get injured but also chose the correct decision."

"Because if he had made any delay in his moves or surrendered, it would've been worse for him. But he was decisive. Being smart is not considered being intelligent."

"Just as you said dad, making a correct decision is being smart. But if it takes you too long, then you are not smart, you just thinking too much." Alice explained as she slowly stood up and stretched out her arms.

Jugo heavily sighed. He felt proud and also worried for his daughter. She was a smart person but sometimes, she truly makes a bold move.

"Alice, are you really sure it will work?"

Alice looked at her father's expression and understood what he was talking about.

"Don't worry, dad. This time, we have both."

Alice tapped her head and continued "Mind and Resources. Your generation would be the last one to listen to those bastards. From my generation, Helen Family wouldn't be the part of Ditto Family."

Hearing her words, Jugo and Harry got serious.

Jugo looked at Harry and said, "Keep her safe at all costs."

Harry solemnly nodded. Unlike her previous guard, he was working for Jugo for years. That's why Jugo asked Harry to be his daughter's guard. He wanted someone who would never betray his daughter.

"Don't worry, dad. Harry will keep me alive. Besides, I won't engage in any kind of battle this soon. We haven't even begun the preparation. The true preparation will start after the tournament."

"So, I will take a month's break."

"Break? Where are you going?" Jugo asked with confusion.

"Training of course! I don't want to rely on others to do all of my bidding. I need to get stronger by myself. We are going there. Not only do I need to get stronger, but maybe Harry will reach Core Formation Realm within a month."

Alice answered.

Harry's eyes widened as he couldn't help but ask "Miss… Will I also enter that place?"

Alice rolled her eyes and said "Of course, you will. If you don't get stronger, how can you protect me?"

Hearing her words, Harry's eyes widened. He clenched his fist and his faith in her increased even more.

Alice turned around and shouted.

"And dad, stop being so pussy! How could you let that bastard speak to you in such a tone? It would be one thing if the person was the head of the Sulen Family."

"And, don't let those elders speak for you."


Suddenly, a cold voice rang from the door. Hearing that voice, Alice trembled for a moment. But she quickly got back her courage and pointed her finger at the figure coming from the door.

"See! That's how you should speak. Learn something from her."

Alice instantly turned around and jumped at the embrace of the figure. That figure was a woman. She was wearing fiery red clothes and had tall height. Just from a single gaze, one could tell that she was beautiful just like her daughter.

"Mom, you need to help dad stand up for himself. How he can let others bully him like that? Only you are allowed to bully him."

"Ehh! Alice, that's not nice coming from you." Jugo embarrassedly rubbed the back of his head.

"She is right, dear. You can't let others shout at you." Alice's mother calmly spoke to her husband and then turned to her daughter. She caught Alice's ear and shouted.

"How could you speak such a vulgar word in front of your father? Did you forget the manners I taught you? Or, do you think you can stop listening to me after you awakened?"

"Mom, that's not fair. Why do you always speak for father and always scold me?" Alice swung her arms in the air as she started faking out her tears.

"Stop doing this! Anyway, I heard you are getting very close to a boy. Is it just a business deal or something else is going on?"