Three Concepts of Lightning

Hearing that, Tyler's eyebrows twitched. He quickly responded.

"I haven't started earning Energy Crystals on my own. So, I don't have much."

Miao suspiciously stared at him and thought.

'Well, he hasn't entered the Dimensional Rift. Once he enters that place, I am going to raise the price. But something about him bothers me. His spiritual root doesn't have the talent for the sword but he has quite a strength with his sword.'

'And, his Spiritual root has the talent for lightning but he isn't comprehending the Lightning properties on his own. Hmmm.... I need to check something.'

Miao raised his claw and said.

"Boy, will you let me scratch you?"

"No!" Tyler instantly rejected.

"Come on, don't be such a wuss. It's not like I am spreading any disease. Just let me test your blood. I want to confirm something." Miao said.

Tyler hesitated. He didn't want others to find out more about him but Miao did protect his mother and he also has control over Miao to a certain degree. Not to mention, that he also planned to make friends with Miao.

He released a deep breath and stretched out his hand.

"Don't worry, it won't be painful."


Miao swung his claw and pierced his skin. The drops of blood fell on his claw as he quickly closed his eyes and strange blue energy emits out of his body.

The blue energy entered the drops of blood and after a few seconds, a mark of a sword appeared.

He looked at Tyler and said "You have Innate Sword Body. It is an extremely powerful talent inherited by very few people in the world. With this talent, you can easily comprehend any kind of sword technique."

"Not only that. I sensed the Internal Energy inside your blood. Are you practicing Internal Energy Technique? But, this planet of yours shouldn't have such technique, not here at least."

Miao saw the hesitant look in his eyes and sighed "Well, everyone has their own secrets. Anyway, I just noticed that you do have the talent for Lightning. It's just you are relying on instinct to comprehend things."

"That might be possible for your sword, it won't work the same way with your lightning. So, you have to follow my instructions and do as I say."

Tyler nodded as he kept listening to the cat. He understood what Miao meant by instinct. Because he was born with the talents of his parents, he also had the talent for Lightning.

But unfortunately, he couldn't inherit that talent. He only inherited the spiritual energy of lightning attribute that helped him form lightning spiritual root.

"First, let's talk about Power. Power is a concept that combines with other concepts; Mass and Time. When you punch someone, the power of your punch is determined by how fast you punch and how much mass your hand has."

"Since mass is a constant concept, you can only change time to increase and decrease power in a temporary case. But in permanent case, you need to increase the mass."

"In other words, you need to increase the mass of the spiritual energy by combining the particles of spiritual energy into a small packed object. Let me give you an example."

"You have the spiritual energy that can fill up the ball that is the size of your head. But, in that size, your spiritual energy isn't tightly packed. That means it is more like air which is light and loose packed."

"But when you decrease the size of the container/ball to the size of your fist without decreasing the amount of spiritual energy, you will get a compact ball that will be just like an iron."

"So, you need to compress your spiritual energy as much as possible. Then you need to focus on timing. How fast you can launch your spiritual energy from your dantian to your hand or finger?"

"It will add Power attribute to your Spiritual Energy. Now, you need to learn about speed. In simple terms, speed is a concept that combines mass and time. But unlike power, here you need to focus on mass alone."

"Because timing is something that you shouldn't be worried about here. You need to make your timing as fast as possible and that's it. As for the mass though, you need to make it lighter."

"That means the spiritual energy needs to be hollowed. Now, here comes the contrast. Lightning possesses both attributes but these two attributes are impossible to merge."

"In one, you need higher mass. On the other, you need lower mass. How can you merge these? Do you know why lightning is often compared to the speed of light?"

Tyler shook his head.

"You truly don't know anything." Miao heavily sighed.

"Anyway, Lightning is also considered the fastest speed that could rival the speed of light. The reason is actually simple. When you merge the mass that has been increased with the mass that has been decreased, you get the average mass that hasn't been changed."

"But, when your merge mass, you also merge timing. This means if you are going two times faster, you will be now four times faster. Now, multiply that speed with the average mass, and you will get the force by which your lightning will strike someone."

"It is quite a unique concept for Lightning and very few people understand this. The only reason why I know this is because."

At this moment, the sparks of lightning appeared around his body. Miao stood on two legs and proudly patted his chest.

"I am the God of Destruction."

Tyler nodded his head as he had already heard this term quite a lot.

"Hah! Anyway, now you understood power and speed. Let's move on to the last attribute. This is also the most important attribute and something that defines Lightning."

"After all, now that you have average mass, even if the force of the lightning would be amazing, it wouldn't be able to cause much damage to your opponent. Hence, you need to learn the third concept."
