Scarlet Wheel Eyes

At this moment, Miao who was watching over it from the side was shocked the most. He never thought Tyler would have such a crazy dream.


It wasn't possible even for him. So, he knew it would be a foolish goal but at the same time, the ceiling of this goal is s high, that Tyler would do anything to reach there.

Tyler didn't seem like a bad person from the outside. But, the insane goal that drives him to do something crazy would definitely make him a bad person. In fact, Miao doesn't himself a good person.

Being a God of Destruction, he has destroyed countless worlds, killing billions of people but he only did that because they were either meant to be destroyed or they were his enemies.

On the other hand, Tyler was doing something extreme. The entire town wasn't his enemy so killing all of them would mean Tyler would walk on the path of evil.

"If you truly want to erase her presence from other's memories, there is a way to do so without killing anyone although it would be hard." Miao decided to open his mouth even though Rose was still there.

Rose who was crying while hugging her son looked at Miao. She didn't try to think why he was talking but rather she was curious about this method.

Tyler also raised his head.

"That being said, your dream is completely foolish. It is impossible to achieve. Of course, I won't stop you from having such a dream. I was just reminding you. Anyway, do you want to hear about this method?"

Tyler didn't care about the first piece of information. He asked, "What's the method?"

Rose didn't say anything. She never thought her son had such a goal in his life. It was absurd. Just because one can cultivate doesn't mean one can control life and death.

It was truly impossible just like the cat said. Suddenly, she realized something.

"Wait, why is this cat speaking?"

Rose interrupted Miao before he could speak. Seeing her confused, Miao proudly patted his chest and introduced himself.

"My name is Cat God, God of Destruction, Ancestor of Neko Clan, God of Cuteness, God of cuddly body, God of beautiful paws. Since I am god, I can obviously speak with ease."

"As for my strength, I am very strong. And, you can call me Miao."

Hearing his words, Rose was dumbfounded. She pointed her finger at Tyler and muttered.

"My son wants to bring a dead person back to life and the cat living in my house is calling himself God. What is wrong with this world? Am I in some kind of illusion?"

"Yes, that must be it."

Suddenly, Rose got excited and held Tyler's face.

"That explains why you previously said such cruel words. My son would never think of doing something like that. This must be an illusion. No wonder you don't have one arm. It must be an illusion, right?"

Hearing her words, Tyler clenched his fist and sighed.

"It is not an illusion, mom."

When she heard that, her smile froze and tears fell down her cheeks.

"So, everything is true….. You not only said those words but also lost an arm. It must be because of me, right? Yes, that's why you want to kill them, right? Tyler, please don't do this for me."

"Please, don't make me feel any more guilty."

Hearing her words, Tyler bit his lips. He didn't know what to say. At this moment, Rose clutched his clothes and said.

"Promise me, Tyler. Promise me that you won't make me feel guilty. Please!"

Tyler didn't speak a word. But, he nodded.

Seeing this, Miao was shocked. Suddenly, his eyes fell on Rose. He understood something and cleared his throat.

"Ahem! Should we talk about the method that I previously mentioned?"

Hearing his words, mother and son turned their eyes at him. Rose's eyes widened as she asked "Yes, you said you are a god. You must have a way, right?"

Miao rolled his eyes and said, "Although I said I am a god, if I truly had the power of god right now, would I be your son's pet?"

Rose's excitement died as she bit her lips.

"While I don't have power, I do have knowledge. I know a method that can help you solve this situation. But, it is extremely hard and it also requires you to help me grow a bit stronger."

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked. His first thought was that Miao was trying to regain his strength but why a bit stronger? Why not a lot stronger?

"Even if I do regain some of my strength, I won't be able to erase their memories without using some special techniques but there is something that I am proficient at and it is treasure hunting."

"I once made a bet into unknown because I smelled a treasure inside Hell's Prison. That's where I was imprisoned before you summoned me here. My treasure hunting ability allows me to sense different kinds of energy around us."

"And, there is a special kind of energy known as Blood Demon Energy. There is a special race between demons known as Blood Demons. They possess a special kind of eyes known as 'Scarlet Wheel Eyes'."

"This eye is excellent at illusion. Once it is used to trap someone into an illusion, it would be almost impossible to come out, especially if you are weaker than the caster."

"Using these eyes, you can cast an illusion technique in this entire city and make them forget about your mother's identity. You don't have to kill them. Of course, if you want to get these eyes, you need to physically transplant them into your eyes."

"The process is critical as it could take away your eyes if it remains unsuccessful. Currently, I can't sense the location of Blood Demons. But once my power increases, I would be able to do it."

At this moment, Tyler spoke.

"No, we don't need to do that. I have another way to obtain those eyes."