Ember Hall Trial Part 1

'Finish. I must finish it quickly.'

Tyler held the sword and the lightning boots appeared on his foot. The next moment, his body slid toward the projection like a lightning bolt. Tyler unsheathed his sword as he tried to cut diagonally.

But, the projection raised his sword and blocked it. The projection was holding the sword hilt with both of his hands.

'Damn it! He clearly has the advantage of having both arms.' Tyler gritted his teeth but a smirk appeared on his lips soon.

'But, I have my strength.'

Tyler released a lot of pressure on his left hand and started pressing him down. The projection was unable to reflect it but he suddenly changed his hold.

He held the sword hilt with his left hand and used his right hand to strike it from the blunt edge. Although it didn't push Tyler, it did manage to make his grip weaker.

Because Tyler wasn't good with his left arm, he had no choice but to rely on his brute force. But now that the projection was making his grip shaky, he couldn't exert the same force as before.

This gave the projection a chance to slide to the side and slash from the left side, horizontally. The sword moved quite fast and it was exactly at the place where he had no hand to block.

[Lightning Tri-Shield]

Tyler released his lightning energy and formed the tri-shield using his lightning energy.


The sword collided against the tri-shield and released sparks of lightning around them. When the sword was blocked, Tyler took the advantage of this and spun his body with his sword.


The projection was a bit late to react. Tyler's sword managed to land a strike before he could retreat. At this moment, Tyler noticed some numbers above the projection's head.

[HP- 98%]

'HP? What is HP? What could it be? No, that doesn't matter. Since it appeared after I managed to strike it, it means it represented that my strike was successful.'

'Let's guess. If it is currently 98% and since that attack wouldn't be something that would cause 98% damage, it should mean that his condition decreased from 100% to 98%'

'If it represents his condition, then H should be.... Health. That seems plausible. As for P... since it is shown in percentage, let's go with Health Percent.'

'That's it. It must be the Health Percent of the projection which means if it drops to zero, this projection will disappear.'

Tyler's eyes fell straight on that projection. He infused the Iron Sword Essence into his sword and dashed forward. Unlike the previous move, he took a single step, and his body dashed forward like a shadow with the lightning sparkling around.

When he used this stance, the projection also did the same. He also infused a similar essence to his sword and dashed forward.

[Swift Snake Strike]

[Swift Snake Strike]

Bang! Crack

Two swords collided at a similar time. While one sword got broken, the other sword managed to slash the opponent.

Tyler and the projection appeared behind each other. Tyler was still holding his sword while the projection was only holding the hilt of the sword.

[HP- 78%]

Tyler turned around and his eyes fell on that mark. Seeing this, a big smile appeared on his face.

'I can do this. Let's continue.'

Tyler took a deep breath and his eyes closed for a moment. He previously used one of his strongest elemental art in his arsenal to defend against that sword.

But, he still hasn't used some of his sharpest element arts to attack. His lightning energy burst out of his dantian like a crazy group of snakes.

It charged throughout his body and reached out to his sword. The massive lightning energy condensed into a coating around his sword. The next moment, his sword started vibrating like crazy and his body dashed forward like a snake.

[Thunder Shadow Sword]


The next moment, Tyler was already behind the projection before it could react. A lot of sweat emerged from his forehead. He was barely holding the sword in his left hand and the lightning surges had disappeared.

When Tyler turned around, he looked at the projection standing still with a small cut on his sword. That cut was so small that it almost felt like it wasn't even there.

But, even so, that projection wasn't able to heal it. It could even recreate the sword and the massive slash on its chest but just this strike was taking a lot of time to recover.

[HP- 45%]


Seeing the HP percentage and the point where his attack landed, Tyler was so embarrassed that his face was burning red. That was his strongest attack.

Thunder Shadow Sword was fifth rank elemental art that uses an extreme amount of spiritual energy and stamina. This was the first time he used it. He hadn't even practiced it before.

If he hadn't comprehended the Lightning Element so well in his life inside the simulator and without that Holy Lightning Body, he wouldn't be able to use that attack.

Not to mention, he had to reach the second stage in Tyrant Lightning Body Cultivation Technique. All of these made it possible for him to use this strike. But, in the end, he just freaking squandered it.

Tyler lowered his head with a sigh.

'I can't blame myself though. It was already amazing that I was able to pull that off on my first try. It's just that I don't have much control over the sword with my left hand.'

'Joseph was correct. I lack steadiness. Without steady movements, I can't win these kinds of battles with ease.'

Suddenly, Tyler felt an urge to practice. His head rose like a player wanting to shoot the ball.

'I don't know if I will get the chance to rest properly after the battle or not. I forgot to ask such a crucial question. So, I will finish this quickly. After that, I will ask this question if I get a chance. If I don't, I won't be able to do it. But, If do get that chance…..'

Tyler's eyes shone brightly with an intense thirst for strength.

'I will practice my swordsmanship with my left hand in every trial so that I can cross the fifth trial with ease.'