Rose getting infected by Social Media

[Yes, Host]

With her words, two new panels appeared in front of him, giving an explanation of two different things. But, one of the panels had an extra panel attached to it.

Inside that extra panels, there were a bunch of different icons with a word above them.

[Techniques and Arts] [Weapons and Items] [Pills and Resources] [Array and Talisman] [Misc]

"Woah! So, how does this work? Need to click on different icons?" Tyler asked.

[Yes, Host]

Tyler clicked on the [Techniques and Arts]

The next moment, a new panel with a list of several techniques and arts appeared.

[1- Demon God Scripture

2- Nine Heaven Slashing Demonic Sword Art

3- Lightning Emperor Scripture

4- Crazy Lightning Fist Art

5-Light God Scripture

6- Blessing Light

7- Ten Thousand Light Sword Art

8- Heavenly Yuan Absorption Technique

9- Desolate Fist Art

10- Divine Dragon Spear Art

11- Sword Scripture

12- Four Divine Beast Scripture

13- Shadow Summoning Technique]

"Wow! So, all of those techniques and arts have been collected into a single box. But would I directly learn this after clicking on it or do I get the book on those techniques and arts? Because I don't want to practice all of these." Tyler asked.

[For each art or technique, you would be given a manual. Once you take them out, you can only store the same thing inside this inventory. The thing that you receive from this world can't be stored inside your inventory.]

Hearing her words, Tyler nodded and excitedly clicked on the [Weapon and Items] icon.

[1- Rising Demon Pillar

2- World Tree Branch

3- Holy Judgement Sword

4- Null Dividing Sword (Sealed)]

[Pills and Resources]

[1- Holy Essence

2- World Tree Essence

3- Energy Crystal Mine]

[Array and Talisman]

[1- Demon Summoning Array

2- Divine Lightning Protection Array

3- Sacred Pray]


[1- Divine Light Body

2- Light God Bloodline

3- Fist Intent Mastery

4- Key]

"So, Tylice, you directly merged Demon God Bloodline and Nine Heavens Lightning Bloodline on me but you didn't merge Light God Bloodline because you knew I need it for someone else?" Tyler smirked and asked.

[Yes, Host. I only helped you merge with things that would be necessary for you. Since I am directly connected to your mind, I can see your intentions.]

"Well, don't do that anymore. Just keep everything inside the inventory. I will take whatever I need. But, right now, there is one more function that you need to introduce to me." Tyler said.

[Quest Function is simple, Host. It will give you some tasks whenever the task is triggered. Once you finish the Quest, you will get corresponding rewards. Since this is a quest from Dual Cultivation Simulator, most of the quests will be related to it.]

"Ohhh! Well, it seems like it will only trigger under certain circumstances. Well, that's too bad." Tyler sighed dejectedly.

[Don't worry, Host. Since Quest Function has been activated, you will soon receive the Quest.]

"I hope so." Tyler said as he walked out of his room. He saw Miao sitting on the sofa with Rose on the side. She seemed to be using the smartphone. After seeing her son using it, she asked him if he could get her one.

Since he had no shortage of money now, he didn't hesitate to ask Alice to get him one. This time, he insisted on paying. After all, his mother only asked him for the phone because they could pay for it now.

"So, what did you summon this time?" Miao sensed him and raised his head, asking.

"Tyler, you finally woke. I will make some tea." Rose immediately turned off her phone and ran to the kitchen.

"What happened to her?" Tyler seeing her acting embarrassed looked at Miao and asked.

"I don't know. She had been holding her phone, making weird facial expressions, and taking photos." Miao replied nonchalantly.


An angry roar came from the kitchen, filled with strange embarrassment.

Miao was frightened for a moment as he jumped out from the sofa and landed behind it. His nonchalant mode had completely disappeared.


Suddenly, a notification rang on his phone. Tyler picked it up from his pocket and saw nearly dozens of notifications from Insta. He opened it and saw all of his mother's posts from yesterday and today.

There were over fifty posts.

"Mom, didn't we just open the account day before yesterday?" Tyler asked as he scrolled down. His mom had posted several photos of her making different poses.

After he opened the account on Monday, he saw many young girls making weird poses with faces and posting them on Insta. He didn't think his mom would copy them and post dozens of photos of her on Insta in just two days.

After Tyler didn't get any reply from her, he sighed. He walked toward the kitchen and saw his mother sitting on the ground with her arms around her legs.

"Mom, you don't have to feel embarrassed about this." Tyler pulled her and raised her head. Her face was sour and her eyes were red.

"You don't blame me for wearing these dresses and posting those photos." Rose asked with a sour tone.

Tyler looked at her. She was wearing blue tight jeans and a tank top. Because of cultivation, the wrinkles on her face had completely disappeared and her face was bright like a moon. Her body was slim and she was already tall. She looked no different than most women in her twenties even though she was above forty.

"Mom, I never stopped you from looking good. You were the one who insisted on wearing those crappy clothes and degrading your looks. And, I know why you did that. You didn't want to get into trouble because of your looks."

"And now, it doesn't matter. Because now I don't have to be one to protect you. You can protect yourself. So, you don't have to be afraid of doing anything you like."

"Just don't force yourself to do things you don't like."

Tyler said as he took out a small jar with a drop of blood inside it.

"But, this is something you need to drink now."

Rose held the jar in her hand and asked.

"What is it?"

Tyler shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Well, I was fishing in my sleep and managed to fish the bloodline of Light God which would be perfect for you. I also manage to fish some other things so you better hurry."

"What the fuck? You can summon Light God Bloodline?"

Suddenly, Miao's voice rang inside the kitchen. He was standing outside the door and when he heard that, he ran inside.

But as soon as he got inside, a slipper struck his head as Rose shouted.
