
Pam had just turned to go up the stairs when Boma called her back.

' Just remembered I didn't even get your number' he chuckled lightly.


Digging in her bag for her cellphone, she handed it to him.

'Here, save your number. I'll call you later.'

Pam looked around as Boma was busy typing on the phone. People walked around; some in groups, pairs and others alone.  They were all hurrying up the stairs.

'Alright' Boma gave her back her phone. ' I think you better get to class now. Make sure you give me a call.' He flashed her a wink as he walked backwards slowly. ' Bye'

'Bye' That boy is something else, Pam thought amusingly as she turned and climbed the staircase.

Her class was on the first floor, Room 1. People were standing around on the balcony. A group of boys were by the staircase arguing about a football game. Pam stopped at the door and looked in. There was no lecturer in yet. The class was full, despite the fairly large amount of people standing outside.

'My goodness, will I even find a free seat. Everywhere is packed' Pam thought, groaning.

Deciding to check on Lizzy, she sent her a text. Lizzy called her  almost immediately.

'Hey, where are you' ce her energetic voice from the phone.

'I'm at the back of the class. Is there any empty seat near you?' Pam asked as she glanced around her.

'Oh, am so sorry. I came a bit late myself and I couldn't save a seat for you'

A pause and then she sighed 'I was jus checking around me now. There's no free seat here'

'Okay, don't worry. I'll sort myself out'

She walked around, checking for any free seat. Though it was hard getting around due to all the `excuse me's`she had to say.

She spied an empty seat on her left. Walking over there, she tapped the shoulder of a  girl seating there. She was chatting with a boy beside her who had spiky hair. The girl had her hair packed in a bun and a bandanna tied around it.

'Excuse me, is this seat free' Pam asked as the girl turned to her.

'Sorry, it's taken' The girl flashed her an apologetic smile and returned to her conversation with the spiky-haired guy beside her.

After three more tries, Pam was almost ready to give up. All the empty seats had been taken. ' I'm sure most of those people aren't here yet.' Pam grumbled. ' Well, it's all my fault for coming late'

'Hey' someone called from behind her.

She turned to see a plump, dark skinned girl waving at her.

' You're looking for a seat, right?'  the girl said as Pam came closer to her.


'Well, you're in luck 'cause I have a free seat here' She said, smiling warmly at Pam.

'Oh...thank you' Pam heaved a sigh of relief.

'You're welcome, I kept it for a friend but she just texted me that she wouldn't be able to make it to class.'

Pam quickly sat down and kept her bag on her lap. She glanced at the girl beside her.

'My  name's Pamela'

'Ooo....oh, I love your name. You're my mom's namesake. Can I call you Pam.' The girl spoke excitedly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She had on a bob hairstyle which kept falling in her face.

'And my name is Sopriye. You can just call me Priye.'  She beamed at her.

'Alright' Pam glanced around her. She noticed the way some people were conversing as if they had known each other for years.  And I can't even start a single conversation. Pam thought miserably.

'We're much right' Sopriye asked as she also looked around the class with Pam.

'Huh?' Pam turned her head to Sopriye who had a lollipop tucked in her mouth.

Priye popped the lollipop out of her mouth and propped her elbow on the table.

'Well, I was just saying that there are a lot of science students'  She shrugged. ' And I heard the screening is still ongoing'

'What?' Pam could not help but exclaim. ' They are still accepting more students?'

'Apparently due to the Covid-19 and seven months strike, two years are being merged.'


'Anyway', Priye turned to Pamela.  ' What department are you in?'


'That's cool. Am in Biochemistry'

Just then, the lecturer walked into the class. He was a slim, tall man with a  shaved head.  His tall build made him look imposing. He was wearing a white shirt, red striped tie  and ash-coloured trousers. He plonked his books down on one of the desks in front and glanced around the class.

'Good day' As his voice  sounded, the class quietened and the people who had been standing outside and had not noticed the lecturer's arrival, came back inside.

'Mt name is Rowland Duke and I'll be taking you on CHM 201, which is Introductory Chemistry, if you don't know that yet.

He had a booming voice which Pam could hear even from the back of the class.

' I have just two rules in my class, ' he continued ' I expect active participant in my class and Two;  no phones. If you want to make use of your phone, please go outside.

The day was pretty much a blur for Pam. The lecturers just kept coming and going. After CHM 201, she had Biology which was taught by a fair willowy woman whose name was Phoebe. She had a British accent and her voice was so soft that Pam had to strain her ears to hear her.

By the time it became noon, Pam was exhausted. She had brought a snack and she nibbled at it slowly as the lecturer left the class.

' tired' Priye complained as she threw her head backward and ended up hitting a girl who had her head on the desk behind.

The girl glared at her and Pam quickly muttered an apology.

'And that last lecturer just droned on and on about scalers and vectors.'  The last class they had was Physics.

She turned to Pam.

'Do you still have a class'

'No' Pam checked her timetable just to be sure 'This is my last class for today'