He sent a text

Later that night, when Natalie got home she was so excited about having the freedom to finally do what she really wanted there was no obstacles anymore and yes the auditioning for models, she was definitely going to audition for that. The only thing that she was now worried about is telling her brother about the papers and the audition. What if he doesn't approve of it,she thought.I mean he has been trying very hard to get it but he hasn't,and now I have gotten them, but what if he ask who got it for me and how I got it and I already lied to him the first time I disappeared. I won't tell him yet, when the right time comes the truth will come out, this has to be my own little secret,she thought out loud.

She later finish arranging the things she bought and tidy up the house.she then took the papers and the handbill given to her and put it into one of her bag and covered it with another, Tim has never touched any of her belongings before,so she was sure that it would be safe.

When Stuart arrived at his house, he sent a text to Natalie saying. Call me when you get home.

After handling his work for that day, he left his study and went back to his to take a shower, but before that he picked up his phone to check if she has called him but there wasn't any missed calls and she hasn't even seen his message. He dropped the phone down and went to take his bath.

He came out the bathroom, wire his clothes and was ready to go to bed. He doesn't exceed his bed time except he was stuck with work. He checked his phone again and still nothing, so he decided to save her name he didn't even think about saving her contact with her real name he thought of something else. He typed LOUD SPEAKER and pressed save then he texted her again saying call me.

He turned off his his bedside lamp and went to sleep.

Tim came back home much later than he always and talie was watching tv. She now had a favorite tv show that airs from nine till ten thirty. She had completely forgotten she had a phone, and was just stuck to the tv and then the door bell rang she knew it was Tim l, she opened the door and he came in.

Welcome brother, why are you late today. Talie said. I had a lot of work to do that's why and by the way dad called and wanted to speak with you, Tim said to her. Ok I will quickly call him you go and get yourself cleaned up, I made some spaghetti by the way. Talie said. You only cook spaghetti when you are happy so why brought about it today Tim asked. Nothing, just felt like doing it, she said while searching for her phone. She opened it and saw two unread messages from a number, she ignored it and called her dad. She talked to her dad for a while and the call finally ended. Tim came to the kitchen to meet her.

I can't believe dad is still at my neck about becoming a nurse, he keeps asking if there are any progress and I will just keep lying to him. Now I told him I was going to start lectures on Monday, I feel bad about lying to them honestly. She complained. Listen to me,not being able to go forward in your academics is not your fault it will take sometime but it will happen so stop feeling guilty about anything ok,Tim said. By the way I won't be leaving for work by tomorrow so we can go watch a movie it's a Sunday and it would be a great day to relax and have some fun,Tim said. That would be fun,let me go to bed good night,talie replied. She went into the room she then checked on the message she saw earlier. And it was from Stuart he had sent her a message since she left the restaurant and he also sent her a message earlier.

She jumped down from the bed to pip what her brother was doing, he had already laid his bed and was about to sleep, she came out from the room to say goodnight again indicating she was going to bed for real this time. She went back to her room the door that was half closed before she closed it fully this time.

She climbed the bed,she wanted to call him but reasoned that he would have already gone to bed, it was pass eleven now so she just decided to text him I am home she thought about it then she cancelled it and sent a text with more better meaning, saying:I am sorry for not replying to your message earlier,I am home and safe thanks for asking,she sent it.He would see it by tomorrow, she said. She dropped her phone and then tried to sleep but she wasn't even sleepy.

Stuart who was very sensitive to his environment was woken up by his "personal assistant" on his phone the phone turned on and then came the sound;A new message from loud speaker.

He picked up his phone and read the message so he decided to reply, what are you still doing awake by this time.he sent it. He stood up to drank a glass of water. Natalie received the message and was stunned to know he was still awake,she wanted to reply the message by saying is it your business that am still awake. But then she decided to be calm he had helped her today, so she said my brother came back late I was waiting for him, she sent it. Stuart voice message sounded again and he took his phone to see what she sent. Go to bed. He pressed send.she saw and replied am on the bed. Then go to sleep, good night. He forwarded it. What about you what are you still doing awake m, Natalie typed and sent it. Seeing the message Stuart smiled, you woke me,now don't disturb me anymore and go to sleep. Talie's saw his reply and felt guilty she just wanted to tell him that she was ok. I am sorry,Good night. She sent it.

Stuart saw the message but he ignored so she could go to bed. She waited for him to reply but he didn't, she switched the phone off and eventually fell asleep.