| Parting and Possessed |

It's been 3 years since Rhys registered his quirk and stayed with his uncle, Toshinori Yagi.

For the past years, Rhys learnt complicated reading and writing with difficult vocabulary related to Science. He also learned how to be a good hero which is a course runs by his uncle who he now admired as a hero who's even better than 'he' in his memories.

Rhys is a quick learner and is quick witted to the point that his father David Shield and Toshinori were truly impressed many times.

You could say that Rhys and Melissa are Shield's little geniuses at how fast they are advancing in their studies.

Rhys chose to stay homeschool as he told his father that school would only slows down his learning progress.

Rhys became interested in this modern world's science. This world's advanced technology especially the 'Nano-tech' piqued Rhys's interests who only had the memories of fighting. He wanted to try something different this time, a new hobby.

Currently, a slightly long snow-white haired boy with purplish tips can be seen reading a thick book on a organized table. What's weird is that he's wearing a really dark black tinted round glasses.

Why would he read a book with an extremely dark sunglasses? Well, it's to productively utilize his time. He is both studying and improving his control over his Clairvoyance Quirk.

Yes, the boy is none other than Rhys Shield.

The books on the table are organized neatly in an ascending order of branches in Physics. Mechanics, Optics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Relativity, and Acoustic.

He's reading a book related to Electromagnetism at the moment.

"Radio--Microwave--Infrared--Visible light--Ultraviolet--X-ray--Gamma ray...wavelengths and frequencies are placed inv-Huuuuuaaaaahhhhh"

Rhys suddenly let out a yawn followed by a satisfying body stretch that could accidentally slip his soul out...

"Ah~ that hits the spot..."

Rhys muttered as he wiped away a tear from the corner of his eyes. It was a good stretch...

"Good Afternoon! My Nephew! Ready with today's training?"

Toshinori greeted Rhys as he suddenly appeared on the terrace of the room.

"Of course Uncle Mighty! I thought I was going to die out of boresome!"

The sight of his uncle appearing on the terrace is not uncommon for Rhys, so it was not worth surprising over it.


[I-Island Public Training Ground]

The best training ground on I-Island with up-to-date workout equipment but sadly...there's not a single people here other than Rhys and his uncle. It's not weird as the majority of this island consists of researchers and scientists.

Also, this training ground is newly built.

During some festival when I-Island opens itself for people around the world to visit, this training ground will be crowded with people, especially the Pro heroes who came here to try new training equipment.

Anyways, Rhys started training his body a year ago as training at a young age would do more harm to the body rather than strengthening it. But that didn't mean he didn't exercise, he exercised regularly to be flexible.

Rhys reached 7 years old, and Uncle Mighty has been teaching him for a year now. His body has grown taller and looked more mature and defined than before. He also wears a really dark black tinted round glasses 24/7.

His body is not at the peak of his age, but reaching the peak is not something out of his reach. If he only focus himself on developing his body, then he would already have reached the peak.


Rhys can be seen running around the training ground with weights attached on both his wrists and ankles. He's also wearing a weight vest as he ran.

"1 more lap to go My Nephew! *Crunch* This rice cracker is good! Remind me to ask that nice elderly woman for it later my nephew!"

All Might cheered in his usual enthusiastic voice before taking a bite on a rice cracker that an old woman gave a few minutes prior.

"*Huff* W-WHy would I?! *Huff* Let me have a taste! *Huff*"

Retorted Rhys tiredly.

The circumference of the training ground is 1.5 km. So, Rhys getting tired is normal.

All Might's training was harsh that didn't care about age, he deemed that Rhys is worthy training so he needs to give it his all.

A few minutes later, Rhys finished the lap and is now calming his breathing in front of his uncle.


It took Rhys a full minute to completely calm his rough breathing.

"Well Done my nephew! Your way of breathing never cease to amaze me!"

All Might complimented Rhys which he proudly accepted it.

"You said you wanted to show me something right? This uncle is suuuuper curious about it!"

"Oh! right. Thanks for the reminder Uncle. Give me a sec..."

Rhys went and grabbed something out of a black bags he brought with him.

"I hope it's another ric-!OH! MY NEPHEW!! That's...a handgun?!"

All Might was surprised upon seeing the handgun Rhys pulled out. It's weird for a child to hold a gun but he felt like it will be worth watching whatever Rhys is about to do.

"Yes, a handgun or a normal pistol. Don't worry, the bullets are made of rubber."

Rhys stated as he popped in a 17 rounds magazine into the pistol.

"This is something I discovered...My Quirk has two phase...here's what Phase 1: 'Thousand-Miles Eyes' can do"

As Rhys finished speaking, his silver eyes turned bright golden that glowed. Even All Might who's looking at Rhys could see a faint golden glow that passed through the dark black tainted round glasses.

"Oh my! Oh my Goodness!"

"Phase 1 is a lot easier to control than the second phase 'Clairvoyance'...Let me show you what I can do...Uncle, can you place these 17 cans somewhere in sight for me to shoot? The distance does not matter."

Rhys points at his bags where the cans are located.

"I see, I see...This uncle Got it!"

All Might picked up 17 cans from Rhys before placing them all over the training ground with Rhys at the center.

The closest can is 10 meters away while the furthest ones being at a whooping 300 meters.

'I don't know if he'll be able to shoot all of that. Even if he does, he shouldn't get overconfident as it's never good to be one. I'm sorry my nephew!'

All Might purposely put the furthest can at 300 meters.

"This might be difficult as I still need more training but whatever...Are you ready uncle?"

Rhys asked as he got into position, standing in the middle of the training ground with cans around him

"This uncle is more than ready!"

"Okay then...[Bullet Time]!"

Just as Rhys activated [Bullet Time], everything in his surrounding became extremely slow.


Rhys lifted the pistol. His body moved quite fast in this slowed time albeit slower than moving in real time.


Rhys fired two bullets aiming at the closest one at 10 meters and 24 meters before looking at his next target not minding the rubber that is moving in a very slow pace in front of him.


Shot fired...


Followed by another shot...






Just as Rhys was about to shoot the furthest can, his [Bullet Time] ran out, slightly startled him which caused him to aim badly.

Just as [Bullet Time] was deactivated, 17 slow moving rubber bullets resume...causing all 17 bullets to shoot out at almost the same time and all he heard was...

*Peng* *Ting**Peng* *Ting*

*Peng* *Ting**Peng* *Ting*

*Peng* *Ting**Peng* *Ting*

He heard that 16 times which means that he missed the last can when the [Bullet Time] ran out.

"Haa~ Bleuh!! MmmmFffff!"

Rhys covered his mouth, trying not to throw up his lunch. The side effect of using [Bullet Time] is too much for him to handle at the moment.


He gulped down his vomit at the end before noticing that it was quieter than usual.

And he knew the reason why...his uncle...he froze with a rice cracker in his mouth.

'Did I just break my uncle?'

[Bullet Time] – Once a day, for 30 seconds (currently), Rhys can enter a state of accelerated perception and movement, which allows him to see and predict the trajectory and movement of his enemies. Rhys can turn the ability on and off at will, thus he doesn't have to use the accumulated time in one go. It also affects equipment, for example: while normally it would be impossible fire 17 bullets from a handgun in 0.525 seconds, Bullet Time makes the gun and bullets surpass their physical limits, making them faster. It also seems to activate automatically when something dangerous is about to happen to the user. This is a skill 'Asahi Levine' had as The Arcane Sniper.


Rhys stared at his uncle without a word.


All Might then flinched before he sweat dropped.

"Oh Oh! my GOODNESS! My nephew! What a mind-blowing performance!!"

"Pft-ahahahah. You looked shocked Uncl-ahhahahaha!"

Rhys had a good laugh.

"Well...you're right. That was totally unexpected, who would've thought that you could move that fast and shoot out 17 shots in half a second or so?"

Yes, All Might was able to see how Rhys moved but it was still surprising to know his nephew who's only 7 year-old could achieve this...it's mind-blowing.

"All right, let's head back my nephew! I don't want to see Melissa complain about me spending more time with you!"


His uncle just jumped and is already high in the sky.

"...Today's the day that uncle wi-Bleuugh!"

Rhys couldn't even get complete his sentence before he threw up...

'Ugh...my head is in a mess! I didn't even get to show how I can enhance the gun! Guess it'll be a surprise for next time...'


Several hours later,

The Shield family can be seen seeing All Might off.

"Uncle Might, take care of your health!"

Melissa said as she wiped her tears.

"Thank you Melissa! Grow up well."

All Might patted Melissa head.

"Uncle Mighty. Don't be so surprise the next time we meet."

Rhys said coolly with a smirk.

"Keughee! This nephew! Just don't forget what I said."

All Might took a meaningful glance at Rhys, who smiled brightly in response.

"Of course!"


All Might looked at his best friend and called him out. Sticking out his fist.

"Toshi...I guess no word is needed"

Dave smiled before sticking out his fist and bumping it with his.


A farewell between men...

"Kakoi na~"

Rhys muttered before Melissa looked at him and says,

"Really?...I really don't understand this little brother of mine."

Rhys looked at Melissa for a second before reverting his gaze back.

What he's thinking when he stared at Melissa is a mystery.

[Insert: What do you think Rhys's thinking here...]

""Have a safe trip Uncle Might/Mighty""

"Of course! My little Geniuses! Come here~!"

All Might went in and hugged everyone in one go including Dave.

It was a nice group hug but...

"I-I-I can't breath!!!! Your rock hard boobs are killing me!!!!"

Rhys almost died of suffocation...and it's not going to be a happy death.

"Kh AHAHahhaha"



Everyone shared a great laugh at Rhys's suffering.


A few hours after All Might's departure. In Rhys study room,

"What is it that you call me for son?"

David asked Rhys who's searching something in the drawer.

"Papa, there's something I'm stuck with...can you give me a hand?"

Rhys asked his father with a pile of papers in his hands.

"Sure, what is it?"

"It's just an incomplete theory I made but...is this concept missing something?"

Rhys handed his father the pile of papers in his hand.

"Okay? What is this concept about?"

David skimmed through the first page slowly which is the introduction.

"It's a Gravity Chamber"

Rhys's word is like a bombshell.

"...Pardon? I don't think I heard that right."

David stopped reading and looked at Rhys

"A Gravity Chamber papa..."

He heard it right...


[3 years later]

Many things had happened in the past years. The Gravity Chamber which is the concept made by Rhys was successfully invented under his name.

There's only one product and has yet to be given the permission to mass produce it by the share-holder.

That is the first time the name 'Rhys Shield' is known to all scientists and became the most popular inventor in I-Island. His age and last name played a huge role in spreading his popularity.

Of course, his fame is only limited on the island. The outside world has yet to know the existence of Gravity Chamber, a great thing for training one's overall abilities.

Unlike Rhys who had gained small fame in an artificial Island, All Might had successfully become the Symbol Of Peace in Japan which is known throughout the entire world. His presence suppressed the overall crime rate in Japan to less than 6% which is an extremely amazing feat to accomplish.

Also, Rhys has inherited more memories of him as 'Asahi Levine', The Arcane Sniper. More memories means more power/ability.



In Shield's personal Laboratory,

Two little scientists can be seen busy doing something.

"Are you ready Rhys?"

Melissa asked while sitting in front of a desk with 4 big touch screens. She swiped one of the screen that control camera, controlling it and focusing it on Rhys who's standing in the middle of the room, wearing a skin tight sleeveless black shirt with his shoulder-length long hair tied up into a messy bun, he's also wearing his dark black tinted round glasses.

He's wearing a purple wristband with an almost unnoticeable button in the center, he's also wearing a 'transparent golden ring' on his middle finder.

"I'm ready! Do the countdown Melissa"

Rhys gave a thumb up to the camera in front of him that is connected to the screen Melissa is using.

['Full Gauntlet' Invention. Trial#4. 3...2...1...Start!]

Melissa's voice came out of a speaker from the camera in front of Rhys.

As soon as she said 'start', Rhys pressed the almost unnoticeable button on top the purple wristband that is on his wrist to activate it while internally praying,

'Please be a success this time. I don't want to injure my arm again...'


The wristband started shapeshifting upon activation. It shapeshifted into a full gauntlet that fit around the Rhys's forearm.

But it was then,


Rhys suddenly screamed as if he's getting hurt.

"Ahh!! Rhys! Wha?! What goes wrong! Are you okay!?!"

Melissa started panicking but not for long as...

"AARRGHHHHHHAHa ha hahah ahahah ahhaah"

Rhys's painful scream suddenly changed into that of a laughter. Rhys faked getting hurt to scare Melissa...and it worked.


Melissa's face darkened noticeably.


Rhys scratched the back of his head awkwardly upon seeing that the speaker has gone silence.

"...Are you there?"

Rhys lightly tapped the camera lens and asked.


The speaker suddenly projected Melissa's scream at its max volume, startling the living daylight out of Rhys.

"AH! You scared me for real..."

Rhys had to listen to Melissa's nagging for a few minutes before the experiment is resumed.

"Now, punch that block of concrete with all your power."

Melissa's instructed via the speaker.

"Yes, Ma'am"

Rhys is now well-behaved after the nagging,

Rhys then made his way towards the concrete block, stopping only 2 feet away.

"Huu Haa..."

Rhys muscle tensed up as he changed his breathing.

[Reinforcement Magic]

Rhys activates [Reinforcement Magic], golden vein-like lines course throughout his body that coincides with the energy flowing through him.

Reinforcement Magic- Is one of the few magic 'Asahi Levine' can use. As a sniper in a world full of magic, he's used to running around the side of the battle field swiftly, finding suitable place for sniping. Reinforcement Magic is a useful magic that enhance one's physical abilities. If Reinforcement Magic's input is stronger than the user 'Mana Circuit', it could cause the circuit to break, backfiring at the user.

Rhys is intently looking at the block of concrete in front of him before he slightly twist his body back in a clockwise direction, bending a little...and swung out a powerful right as he twisted his body back.


The concrete block didn't shatter but he did punch through the concrete which showed his control over the reinforcement magic he's familiar with.

"This is amazing! And it feels great!"

Rhys turned towards the camera and smiled as he compliments Melissa idea of full gauntlet.

"Of course!"

Melissa too felt proud of the item she and her brother created.

The full gauntlet was inspired by All Might's brute strength, Melissa Shield invented a support item that could withstand his incredible power.

"Err...how do you take it off Melissa?"

Rhys asked the camera.

"Eh? I don't know...?"

Melissa answered.


Rhys blankly stared at the camera and the camera stared back at him.


"Welp. I take back my compliments then"


Several days later. Pavilion Café,

The Shield Family can be seen having a good family time.

David is having a cup of Black Coffee, while Melissa is drinking a bubble tea.

The two of them had drinks while Rhys had pudding and cupcakes.

"Melissa. I know it's a stupid question but...what do you want to be when you grow up?"

David asked, looking serious.

"Isn't it obvious! I want to be like you, father. You who saves people's lives but saves them indirectly. I want to be a scientist who creates support items for heroes!"

Melissa firmly answered.

"Okay, here. Take it."

David handed her daughter a tablet. Melissa accepted it before reading the content in it.

"P-Papa? This is..."

Melissa is lost.

"Yes, an application to study abroad in Australia. The Australian Schools of Science...The best school in terms of science in the world. You'll continue high school here so don't worry."

"But papa..."

"Don't you want to become like me?"

"...Yes, I do"

Melissa couldn't find any other excuse to fight her father. Don't misunderstand, she was happy but she didn't want to leave her family.


David called out to Rhys next.

"Nom mm Hn?"

Rhys answered with a spoon in his mouth.

"What do you want to be in the future?"

David asked the same question he asked Melissa,

"I...want to be a 'baker'...is what you two are thinking right? Hahahaha! I knew it"

'Not even close...'

The father and daughter duo thought to themselves.

Seeing their reaction, Rhys stopped playing and took out the spoon in his mouth.

"You guys are no fun...A Hero. I want to be a Hero"

Rhys said while wailing the spoon in circle.


"Oh! If Melissa got to go Australia, then can I go Japan? >v<' "




Rhys can be seen laying on his bed, thinking about how unfair the life really is.


Rhys sat up before grabbing a blank sheet of paper from the drawer beside his bed along with a pencil.

'I need a strong weapon that could cope with Aether'

Rhys thought as he glance at the 'transparent golden ring' on his right middle finger. The ring is called 'Aether', it's a ring no, a weapon in disguise that 'Asahi Levine' had in his arsenal. It's not any normal weapon...it could also be said that this 'Aether' played a big role into making his sniper powerful.

To be specific, 'Aether' is a corporeal but formless weapon. Adheres to its master's weapon, reinforcing their strength. Aether can also manifest color and texture (cannot be too complex). Fusing this 'Aether' into any weapon will enhance it to a high ranked weapon.

Aether is a formless weapon but Rhys changed it into that of a ring which is easy to access in time of emergency.

'Desert Eagle would be nice...It's decided then. I'll ask Papa to help develop the strongest Desert Eagle....ah! I miss swords too...Sword can wait.'

Rhys excitedly drew the prototype of Desert Eagle and made a blueprint of the weapon.


It's been a week since then,

Melissa is going abroad to Australia at the end of the month, so she is spending extra time with Rhys as her father is usually busy in his laboratory.

Rhys and Melissa can be seen helping each other in the kitchen. Melissa wanted to learn cooking so she could sometimes cook for herself in Australia and Rhys agreed to help as he too wanted to spend sometime with her sister.

"Rhys, crack 3 eggs. I'll cut those cabbage."

Melissa instructed Rhys as she followed the recipe from the cooking book.



'Cooking huh...now that I think about it. I never took any interest in cooking even in those memories...well, it's understandabl-!'

"Ouch! Ah! I cut myself...and it hurts...huuuu. Look Rhys, it's so deep..."

Melissa screamed broke Rhys out of his thought.

"Hey are you oka..y?"

Rhys turned his face back only to meet with Melissa's bloody index finger.

Seeing the blood for the first time as Rhys. He suddenly felt...weird before a massive headache struck him.


Rhys clutched his head in pain. His eyes flickered back and forth between silver and crimson red while his hair flickered between his usual snow-white hair with purplish tips and midnight black hair.

The changes in Rhys startled Melissa, thinking that he'd be scared of blood but that idea was immediately disregarded by her as being scared of blood will not affect the changes in one's hair or eye's color.

"Rhys! Are you okay!? Are you hurt somewhere?"

Melissa worriedly asked, getting close to Rhys.

It was then Rhys hair stopped flickering at Midnight black hair while his eyes are bright crimson.

Rhys then pounced at Melissa, causing her to fall backward with Rhys on top of her, his round sunglasses fell off during the process.

"Ah! R-Rhys! What are...y-you...yo-u?"

Melissa eyes widen in horror at the scene in front of her. A bright crimson eyes with a slit of a predator is looking at her, the gaze alone sent shiver down her spine. Her brother's upper and lower canines are pointy and longer, giving him a vampire-like appearance that is hungry for blood with those drools that's flowing out of him.


Melissa swallowed her fear and managed to called her brother but Rhys didn't even flinch as he suddenly moved towards her bleeding finger.

She didn't dare to see what he's going to do but then she felt a suction force on her bleeding finger.

'W-What's going on?!?!'

Melissa is bewildered yet scared.

Melissa then slowly peeked at her finger but it was a bad decision as her eyes met with her brother's demonic eyes.


She couldn't help but let out a yelp. She could see a drop of blood flowing out of the side of his mouth.

Her brother than made his way up and is slowly going for her neck. She couldn't do anything but watch as her possessed brother going to drink her blood.

"R-Rhys *Hic*"

Melissa tightly shuts her eyes closed as tears started flowing out of her eyes socket like water when she saw her brother opened his mouth to bite her neck.


She waited...but nothing happened.

She courageously opened her eyes, only to see the her brother staring at her with veins sticking out in his neck and forehead as if something is resisting it.

"D-Don't c-ry Me-liss-sa...I...will ne-ver hurt...y-ou..."

Her possessed brother muttered loud enough for her to hear before he fell unconscious on top of her.


She noticed his hair's color going back to the normal snow-white, so she assumed that everything is okay now.