Chapter Five



The voice kept calling. In a strained painful way. And then it would vanish into thin silence. For a moment I thought of crying because I was really getting scared. And then I had to composed myself because don't want things to get worse than they already are.

Slowly I moved forward. One step at a time. Gentle on the floor. Everywhere seemed so quite now. The only thing giving out any sound was my breath. Sweats running down my face like estuaries in from the streams to the river. My heart was already losing it. I could tell that from the where it kept beating faster and faster by the moment.

Getting to the door, I opened it gently with caution. Then I stepped outside. Wait, outside? I thought it was another room! I turned back to go in but the door was already shot. I couldn't open it. I tried, stifling my the sound of my cries as disappointment and fear both clouded up my senses. I kept pulling and shaking the handle with the hope of it opening and allowing me in. After much force and pressure, it fell off its hook.

This is it. No more going back home. Oh, poor Dave. What have I gotten us into? Why didn't I listened? I began to cry. Not minding the outcome of my crying.

Mum. Please. Wherever you are, if you ever can feel me right now, please come through the woods ... I kept crying.

And the. The sound came again. This time, it sounded weak. Like someone dying....wait! I know that voice! No. No. No. It should not be what I am thinking. Because it can't be! What will I tell them when I get back home? What will I say? How will I say it?

I ran towards the direction of the voice. Caution with every step as I ran. But the leaves one the ground outside kept rustling on each and every step I took as I ran. Finally, I was able to locate the.....

What I saw brought tears to my eyes. At first, I thought it was a dream. I pitched at my skin to wake myself up from this nightmare staring at me. But it was not a dream. This was a reality as a result of my stupid action. This was a reality standing to me face to face. What will I tell the people at home?


It was not what caused his death that bothered me. But the way he died. He must have come looking for me and then this misfortune met him. I stood and watch his lifeless body hanging upside down from the branch of the tree. Tears trickled down my face. And that very moment, I just wished the ground would open up its mouth and swallow me.

What will I tell his mum? How will I explain it to my mother, despite the fact that she had thoroughly warned me against going to the woods? What will tell everyone who saw me and him going into the woods?

With regrets and pain in my heart. Eyes full of tears I just wished could drawn me. I turned backwards and broke into a run. Tears flying from both my eyes as I ran. I could not count the number of times I tripped and fell, and then get back up again to run.

And then, that sound. That thumping came up again. Fast behind me. Another by my left. Same by my right. My eyes widen with terror. My heart beat accelerating. Somehow within me, something seemed to kick and push. Somehow the will to keep going rained on me. Somehow the power to to run, fueled me up. And the next thing I knew, I was running faster than the light. My mind fixed on home. That was how, somehow, and out of nowhere, everything became clear to me...

Wait a minute! No!!! This whole time, we were actually closing to getting home! But something kept pushing us off the path. And now Dave is dead. Now Dave is no more and, forever gone. No one to tease me. No one to call me names and chase me about. No one to talk to me like a brother would. He was that being I never had.....

I hated myself. I will never forgive myself for being this foolish at the expense of a friend's life. A friend so dear to me. A friend that met everything to me. A friend who was like a brother. A friend who was more than a friend. Poor Dave. The tears kept pouring as I ran. I could feel my checks being burned with its salty liquid. Regrets forming a dark cloud over my head as memories began to rain upon me. Memories of Dave and I together....

******* ****** ******** ******* ******

"Dorothy! Thank goodness you're back!" My mother's sweet smile did not even move me in any way. Nor was her extended arms for a hug. That warm hug would have been comforting. Right now, I just wanted to be left alone. I just walked straight to my room upstairs and shut the door behind me.

Mother did not even bother coming up to check on me. It was strange of her. Because it surprised me. The previous night sleep still made my head felt foggy as I ambled down the stairs to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Hello Dorothy!"

I turned backwards, cup still in hand to look at whom was calling me. And at once, the glass cup fell off my hand and shattered on the tiled florescent floor of the kitchen. I don't know if my eyes were playing me. Or maybe this was another dream. I still can't tell, even till date. Right here, standing in front of me was David. In flesh and blood. David, whom died hanging upside down a tree branch at the woods. David who I knew very did die! Here he was, smiling at me.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!!" I screamed and ran out the kitchen.

I bumped into my mother in the corridor leading to the kitchen. Puzzlement sat on her face as she held me and asked what was wrong with me.

"I just saw Dave. Who died yesterday...."

"Dave? What Dave are you talking about? meant your friend, Dave, right?""

"Yes, Ma?" Just then he came from behind my mother.

The moment I set my eyes on him. I fell on the floor, unconsciously

The next thing I knew I was at the hospital bed. And since then, up till, now, if I do tell anyone my story, I don't believe me. Nor give ears to my words because they thought I was crazy! How can one call a someone dead when, obviously and standing right in front of you is the flesh and blood of the person?.....

But ghosts are real... And I know that David was dead. Even though he was now become Charlie. Haunting me now and then. In school. Church. And here, too, in my house.....

"BWAAAHH hahahaha!!!!"

"mwahahaha, muwhahaha, muahahaha, bwahahah!!!!!"

"Boo! Now you see me!"

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Even my screaming were useless against him.

The beginning of another nightmare.....