Behind The Mirror Part 3


Organizing the clearly different posters, he felt troubled after he bumped into an alpha today. Goodness, his scent was as clear as day. It was overwhelming, dominant and constricting he thanked his lucky stars he escaped before he noticed, nothing. There nothing to chase. He is nothing. Nothing can make that alpha curious enough to be in pursuit.

"Come on Xander you have been at this for two days now. It looks fine, besides it is the same thing. All you were asked to do was take all the posters from the office and distribute it amongst the newbies to advertise their competition."

"That is something I was going to do, but the damned idiot I had the misfortune of bumping into messed up the entire order of papers. And for your information these are clearly different, these varies from different members in different faculties. Take a look at the different marketing strategy."

"Seriously Lucas jump in here. Listen Xander, I do not know whether it is your compulsive disorder but this really insane."

"Lucas tell Leo what I'm doing is beyond his business."



They both spat simultaneously when their gaze met they realized the men whose attention was required was nowhere to be seen. They stared at each other blankly before breaking down into fruitful balls of laughter and continued their banter, after about ten minutes Xander finally sealed the box.

"I bet you, his with that first year kid. What is his name again? Shh, do not tell me... Mhmm Toby. Do you think that Lucas has a thing for him?"

"Of cause dude, my man is whipped."

"Does this make him... Uh gay now?"

"Even if he is as his best friends we should always support his choices or maybe this is not a choice? I do not know the rules regarding that. Besides gender does not matter when it is an alpha and omega, again I do not know enough to judge. But what I do know is that I want the best for you guys. If Toby is that for Lucas I will wave my pride flag. Go him."

Xander shrugged and stacked the boxed on top each other. Getting up he moved to sit where Leo sat, liking girls pictures on Instagram. They sat there in silence but Leo had to break the solace with a ridiculous question.

"So, are you into guys?"

His an omega, if any alpha knew, mating would barely be his choice. He could decide to scout and be with a female alphas but even that came with its own complications. No, that idea still would never work out. He knew, his facade had to stick the consequences were undesirable.

"No. I do not have any romantic feeling for neither genders. What do the call this again? Asexual. Asexuality is a thing you know. What about you? Are you in to men or women?"

"There is this guy I like but his not interested, you know. I don't even think he notices me at all."

"Did you tell him how you feel? You know some guys need a hint or two. To be on the safe side, I say you make sure his gay or at least bisexual. To see whether or not it is feasible to shoot your shot, make a move without conflict. You a great guy and if he does not see it I promise someone will and will cherish you like you deserve."

"Xander can I be honest, uh… No I want to be honest with you?"

"Of course you can Leo, there is no need to literally ask."

The nervous expression in his friend dark eyes was wash off by a stoic expression the moment the door opened. Lucas walked in holding two bags, one bag with take- out meals and the other with snacks. None of them trusted the innocent smile on his face and the fact he bought them snacks, means it had to be a favor.

"What do you want?"

"A favor."

"We know. What?"

"Okay in order to understand how I got to the position I'm in right now. And for you two to get how I got here I will have to start from the beginning. You both know I like Toby and it turns out, I like him more than just a lover my wolf acknowledges him as my fated. Then there is Jayden, who also likes Toby. Apparently they met before his arrival at Moon and he enrolled here so naturally Jayden was there to give him a tour. You with me so far? (Nods) Good. There was this one instance, I wanted to give Toby his favorite pink milk. 'Because not matter how busy his day is the taste of the pink milk always sweet.' His words not mine (his is Toby). I saw Toby laying his hands on his shoulder. Then later they hugged and saw him rest his head on Jayden's shoulder. I think Toby might actually like Jayden which really sucks because on the other hand I have been working to get his attention."

"Okay and? Is there any progress or conclusion to this story?"

"Leo!" (Xander scolds elbowing his side)

"It is fine. I do not know how he feels about me. I don't know if by chance Toby recognize our soul tie to each other. I need to know if his wolf is waiting for mine or if he is already taken. Fortunately I found a way to test that and confess."

"What are you going to do? Follow him to the Moon camp grounds and confess?"

Leo smirked his snarky level on a new high. He was once more punished for making fun of the alpha hopelessly in love.

"Common Xander I was clearly joking, Lucas wouldn't actually do that."


Leo groaned his mind screaming to call the fool an idiot but he held his tongue. Xander would not be pleased with his behavior so he chose to stuff his mouth with greasy pizza.

"Our campus Coordinator asked if I would love to accompany the future moon candidates to camp near the beach, due to my title as moon. Guys it is fate, I am not meant to give up on him. I agreed to go to the camp and also volunteered you two to go with too. I know what I did was a dick move, I should have at least asked you beforehand but in the heat of the moment I didn't think. I do not know what to do and I need my best friends to support me, I can feel it Toby is my fated mate. Back then, call me selfish but I did not want to be tied down. We were both too young for that kind of responsibility so I kinda let my fated slip through my fingers. That when I was ready to even glance at the future, him. My future begins with me needing mate and after three years of constant communication Toby came back into my life. Somehow everything aligned itself though him, I feel it in my bones his my fated. At one point I am glad I finally acknowledge my feeling enough to want to do something about it but now unfortunately I kinda see Jayden as competition."

"Calm down man. You are technically the top in our class, so a week off will not affect your perfect score. So take this time to figure out the mess of your emotions, don't worry Xander and I we will just be there for back up right Xander?"

"Right. So whose car are we taking? My car is by the shop, so I have to know. Since this whole thing is last minute and all."

"We will take mine."

Leo offered, his façade was back on. Xander was so close to an emotional break through. Jayden was full blown into Leo and Leo's crush could be Jayden. Boom one of his friends will finally in a healthy relationship. Right now he parties, enjoy one nightstands and drinks like his getting paid. Dammit. Why the hell does this beta, feel they need to be emotionally close off when there's an alpha around? This is ridiculous but Xander chose to let it slide.

After a few more hours studying and eating the snacks meant to bribe them, Lucas took his leave.


Working out at night was so much better than during the day. He hated it when the gym was full, lockers messy and the area stuffy surrounded by perfectly toned people judging each other in the 27 hour gym. Hey. Even man gets to feel insecure from time to time and his biggest insecurity was maintaining his body weight. Unlike Lucas and Leo, his digestive system fails to cooperate at each turn. Fat in his body sabotaged him by filling up in cheeks, belly, hips or the one he hates the most his ass.

He started off with stretches, to loosen up his muscles after ten minutes of picking the right music, he hopped on the stationary bicycle. After tapping a selective amount of numbers and level, he was on the move. Tonight's goal 25K. Headsets on he played upbeat songs to keep him in the mood, far lost in the melody he did not recognize the man standing beside him.

A playful smile broke the resounding awkwardness and left him speechless. Who is this work of art with ridges of muscles, tempting his bored fingers to trace his spectacular vision?

Who the hell is this guy able to ignite such and affect? His woodsy, homey, spicy scent finally hit. Shit. Alpha. He almost fell off the bike at his sudden jump, in shock but the man's reflexes were impeccable. Damn he is bigger than him. Damn the man proved to be faster but what he did not expect is that he would be nicer than he initially expected.