Possessive Part 42


Having a therapy session at a strip club sounds redundant in the eyes of unjust condemnation as it is he can't his not innocent because he also judged before he met Kitty. She is a smart, sexy vixen with a humorous personality. Their relationship started about two and a half years ago...


"We would like to congratulate Jayden for not only just coming into the top two, but winning two out of three prizes (the Moon competition)."

Tal clinked his glass on Jayden's and they all drank, but it must have been off because it was a celebration amongst man.

"Guys I have a thought. Hear me out… Let's go to a strip club!"

Khun blurted and everyone eagerly agreed. It was worse for Leam because the only reason it came up was because they thought him to be a virgin. He never confirmed or denied the allegations, perhaps it is because he does not know what is considered a 'virgin'.

"So, shorty what is your preference? The dude that is in heels over there, we don't judge. The hun on the pole upside down or the minx sitting at the bar? We don't care our mission is to get you laid!"

"I am as tall as you dumb fuck. Besides I don't want a relationship with anyone -"

"Our mission is to get you laid!"

He repeated.


The ass took a shot shrugging. Yes he was still heart broken. Yes it has been approximately over a year plus now. Yes his boyfriend left him without a word or reason. Leam does not even know if it means they broken up now or what because that Jackass is not even answering his calls or responding to his many messages. Yes, his not over his relationship but it doesn't mean he needs to sleep with some random women he will never see again.

"Buddy it is time to move on from that lost puppy look, you kinda rocking. Now choose!" -Kay

His best friend just let him get succumbed by peer pressure and he shook his head in disappointment because his silence made him feel like Jack is never coming back to him. The male and female on stage look like they will have no patience for him. Especially because he was neither interested in a lap dance nor did he want some random person to touch him. His last choice is the gorgeous woman at the bar, besides he was in love with the gold stilettos with jewelled laces.

So what if he finds cross dressing fun? Clothes don't have a gender but he doubts people will understand so he dress up with is other group of friends. At least he can show of his cute to daring with a crowed that embraced his femininity. That is how he met Cash, a closeted gay person that have sex with his kind (transvestites) to rationalize his preference. Of course he is not the type to smash and pass, call him a romantic or loser. He couldn't even keep a boyfriend, his sure Jack was going to run after seeing him make up and dressed up.

Either way he sucks he does not understand why he does not turn and run away. He is still walking towards the cute chick and sat down, very nervous. Looking back his friends gave him thumbs up pushing him to actually sit down and offer her a drink.

"Hey. Can I buy you a drink?"

"Do you want to pay for sex or just disturb my studies?"


That's when he noticed the books and he laughed embarrassed, she must think his and idiot. Her opinion means nothing to you. Perhaps he can reason and come to an agreement besides she does not look that much older than him.

"I do not want to have sex with you but what about we rent a room so you study better."

"What is your angle?"

"Those guys will make my life hell if I don't say I slept with you… So in exchange for the room I get to say I did have sex with you, we mutually benefit."

"Would it not be easier to just do it than it is to lie?"

"My boyfriend left me... Like was here one moment and without any reason for his departure, he disappeared. So right now I do not know whether or not I am in a relationship."

"Do you wanna talk about it? Perhaps you can pay me to be your amateur shrink."

He focused on her text book. Phycology. Okay, he has a lot of emotion he as a guy cannot express but he as an emotional guy want to. Nodding slowly, she picked up her books and led him up stairs. He heard the demeaning hoot and cheers, all he could do is to stare a Jayden. Jayden did not stop him, what if he was actually going to sleep with her? Jack is never coming back, right? Disappointed and hurt he entered a dark room, she lit the light and sat on the bed.

"I don't do this type of thing."

"It is obvious. Relax. My name is Kitty, your new therapist. Do not worry I will not judge you, I mean look at what I do... I never once saw the judgment in your eyes. Thank you."

"Everyone have their own stories and roads they walk. Who are we to judge if we don't know anything? I'm glad I met you today future doctor, my name is Leam."

"Where do you want to start?"



"Honey pie."

He gave Kitty a hug and kissed her check for effect.

"You look gorgeous, I love your heels but I can't rock them like you do… Are you sure you not busy?"

He half yelled, their proximity allowed them the luxury to hear and communicate in the noisy club.

"Nonsense. I like you more than any bozo in the club. Besides I can give you a chance to try these heels on."

"Oh (he smiles grateful). You got pretty earrings too and get me started on that outfit, Star Trek?"

"Is it that obvious? We have a nerdy a nerdy group and the owner's nephew birthday party… It sad really but thankfully I am paid hefty for even showing up."

"Are you sure you can give me a session?"

"Honey pie, you don't even need to ask."

She made to pet his cheek but someone pulled him, he turned to face Jack and indecision removed his position. He did nothing wrong here, besides they from two different worlds but that is not the thing bothering him. He. Left.


He pushed him back. Who the hell does he think he is to comeback and act like a boyfriend? Where was he when he need his boyfriend in his life? He chose to leave. So what his a; were- dog, wolf-boy, furry beast. The point is he did not trust to tell him back then and what he does expect him do with his explanation now? He can't deal with this now, he needs Kitty to decipher this stupid emotions. It is insane to want someone so close especially after they betrayed you yet so far as to not get hurt again. He moved back, he helped Kitty up and lead her upstairs.

"What was that?"

"I will tell you upstairs."


"His the ex I told you about. He popped up, out of the blue. He says he wants me back and apologized as if that can make anything better. Agh! I am just so frustrated. How dare he think things can ever go back to the way things were before?!"

"Did he give you a reason for his disappearance?"

"Uh... Yeah... No... Kinda... Does something about an... Illness... Kitty that is not the point, he never trusted me nor did he give me a choice to choose him despite his flaws. He never thought, oh I can be there for him even if I don't understand. Kitty, he never gave me a chance to choose whether I want to be by his side or not. He did not give me a shot, did not believe in me enough to want to be there for him."

"It sounds like he was as scared as you are right now."

"Why are you taking his side?"

"I am not, listen. I am an objective party here remember? Maybe be left because he did not want to be a burden to you? Perhaps he was then able to treat his illness and now his here for you. Don't you think the reason his yet to give up on you because he feels the same way you do...? Perhaps he did not know how to protect you so he left so that you do not see him at his weakest? That is a curse of being a proud man (she shrugs)."

"Then I don't want to be into this 'proud' man... Imagine him leaving every time things get hard. Kitty, you tried to view things from his point of view... What about mine? A lot of people left me in my life but unlike them when he left he took almost everything with him. I can't risk that ever happening again."

"I know you scared honey, come give me a hug (she brings him into her arms and at that point in time he needed the human contact to make him feel better about himself). Your abandonment issues won't go anywhere any time soon, unless you open yourself up to being kept... Sometimes in life we need to take chances if something is truly important to us."

"His possessive ass… So if ever I do decide to go back to him-"

"I know honey pie (she kissed his cheek)… You have my number, so anytime you need to talk I am one call away. This is my last year so if your boyfriend is cool with you in an actual office than this toxic environment, I am happy to be your therapist."

Leam nodded still enveloped in her arms, in a teary hug as if it was their last meeting and he didn't want to let go. The door opened wide and the first face he saw was Jayden with an annoyingly unreadable expression then a furious Jack who pulled him into his embrace, almost ripping him away from Kitty. He faced Kitty to ask his last question for this session.

"Should I still listen now?"

"Definitely. Whenever you ready to listen. Love you. Bye now hun bun, I have got some business to attend, be safe."

She kissed him on the cheek and he heard Jack growl like a dog...

[Shit is it just me or was that hot? Leam, what are we going to do next?]

No clue.

[I am screwed.]


"What the hell Jack?! Jayden?"

"What the hell are you doing in a strip club?"

"Since when do you own me? You don't control my movements. Right now at best, we are nothing to each other."

Saying that in turn hurt him more than it did the douche. He began crying trying to push past the comforting body that held him tight, why is Jayden not helping him? Is this man even his friend? He was there through his pain but he is practically allowing the hurt to come back into his life after he worked hard to forget about it.

"I'm so sorry. I will never leave you again, I promise. Shhh, stop crying."


"Leave me alone for a while. I want to be sure if I can be with you. Just give me time to see how I feel about having you here. You don't need to explain anything to me, I won't ask."