Chapter 1: I Should Have Left Earlier

I moved to Beacon Hills during my freshman year. Settling in Beacon Hills was all well and good; it was a fresh start. But then, during sophomore year, the weird stuff started to happen. I had seen my fair share of weirdness; I did blow up my bedroom when I was eleven, unintentionally, of course. However, werewolves, kitsunes, and banshees were a bit much, even for me. And those were the good guys. Then there was the rabid alpha, the hunters, the dark druid, and the Nogitsune, and they were the reason I stayed far away from all that was supernatural in Beacon Hills. At least, I tried.

But sometimes, staying away was hard, especially being supernatural myself. See, it all started when I was eleven. One day I got in this big fight with my parents, I honestly don't even really remember what it was about, but I was so angry. I remember marching upstairs to my room and slamming the door, and I had this feeling that I was going to explode. There was this ringing in my ears, and all of a sudden, it was like I did explode; my bedroom windows shattered, the light bulbs in my room broke, and my pillow puffed into feathers. After that, I learned how important it was for me to keep my emotions in check.

Over time I began to exhibit certain abilities, other than blowing things up, which never really happened again after that.

First, I found that if I focus, I can see people's energy or aura and the aura of other things; I've been told my eyes glow when I activate this power. This also allowed me to see who in Beacon Hills was supernatural. Humans have a very light aura, and usually, they give off a pale glow, but supernatural creatures give off a lot more power. The amount of energy they give off extends past their body, and it takes shape. Kira's fox was the easiest to spot. The wolves were easy to spot, too; they all glowed the same color as their eyes and had excess energy. Honestly, I found that Lidia was the hardest to figure out, she gave off this purple glow, but I didn't know what that meant until I overheard Stiles call her a banshee.

The second part of my powers is telekinesis; unfortunately, I discovered this power during an anxiety attack in middle school.

Since my ability caused me to be painfully aware of what was happening around me, even when I tried to ignore it, there were a few times I got involved in the supernatural. Usually, it was to help Scott and his pack. I would help in little ways, making sure people weren't going to die, or if I figured out something no one else could, I'd try and point someone in the right direction without them ever knowing it was me.

Deaton, the owner of the clinic and adviser to Scott, was the only person in town that knew about my powers. I had gone to him for help when I was a sophomore, still trying to figure out my powers. He was the one who told me what I was and how exactly my powers worked. But he never said anything to anyone else.

So, I kept my head down, only helped when it was absolutely necessary, and never let anyone know it was me and that I had powers. But I couldn't keep my head down forever. And one fateful night, I ended up being literally thrown into the world of the supernatural.

I stayed after school at the library; I was trying to find some information for a project. I hadn't realized how late it was until I looked out the windows and saw only darkness.

"I should get going," I muttered to myself, getting up and putting my book away.

I walked towards the exit but froze as I reached for the handle; a growl echoed through the school. "I should have left earlier," I whispered as I opened the door and ran outside.

As I got outside, I saw Scott and a brown-haired girl I recognized as Malia running and something moving towards them, two somethings actually. I tried to focus as I looked at the two creatures, trying to tell what they were. All I could see was that they were human, but their aura was twisted.


I wasn't sure how I knew, but that was how it had always been; I just saw the energy, and I knew what type of creature it belonged to. And looking at the two figures covered in bones, I knew one thing. Scott and Malia were going to get themselves killed.

I watched for a moment as Malia and Scott fought; this wasn't good; they needed help. I scanned the area to see if anyone else was there, and two figures running from the parking lot caught my eye. It was Lydia and Stiles.

I stalled for a moment; I could go back inside. No one had seen me. But then a growl from behind me causes me to jump. I looked over to see one Berserker behind me. "How the Hell," I asked as the creature moved towards me. I dogged a couple of its blows before it caught me and threw me towards Lydia and Stiles. I tried to get up as the Berserker walked toward me; I knew what I had to do. As the creature got closer, I summoned all my power, a silver glow began to cover my hands, and then right as the Berserker got closer enough, I used all my power to throw it backward. A silver glow appeared all over its body, and then it flew back into the shadows, I waited for a moment expecting it to come back, but it didn't.

I pulled myself off the ground, I knew that didn't kill it, but I guess I stunned it enough. Now that my adrenaline had stopped pumping, I began to feel something else, dread. Stiles and Lydia had definitely seen me fighting with that Berserker. I turned around to see both of them watching me, and slowly I walked toward them.

"Amaya?" Stiles asked, looking me up and down, "Hey," I mumbled. Both of them gave me a confused look. "Amaya? What are you going here? It's not safe." Lydia said, looking over at me. I wasn't surprised that she knew my name; we took almost every class together.

"Yeah, says the banshee who doesn't know how to use her abilities and the human with a baseball bat," I said, rolling my eyes. "Trust me; I have more offensive power than either of you, obviously," I added, motioning to where I had just thrown I, Berserker, twenty feet. However, a howl turned my attention away from them and toward where Scott and Malia were. I quickly began to run towards the sound.

As I reached the others, I saw someone I'd never seen before, but he was a werewolf. "What the hell," I said out loud as I looked at him, as he dogged the fist of one of the Berserkers.

My hands began to glow a bright silver; I focused my power before I punched one of the Berserkers in the stomach trying to use my power to push it back. Unfortunately, it only knocked the beast back slightly, and it quickly recovered, picking me up, and throwing me behind it towards Scott and the others.

"Ow, that's twice now!" I yelled as I hit the ground. "Well, that didn't go as planned," I muttered, looking up at Derek, who was now fighting the Berserkers on his own. I must have used more power than I thought and depleted my magic when I threw that Berserker.

I looked to my left and saw Scott, Malia, and Kira lying on the ground as well, and they were all looking at me. I turned to them and waved before I heard another growl; this one was louder and sounded more like a cat. As the sound echoed through the school, the Berserkers ran off. I looked around, trying to see where they had gone, but all that I saw was a man standing in front of us. It was the boy from earlier, except now he was older, and I recognized him. It was Derek.

"Derek?" I heard Scott ask as he stood up. I stood up and helped Kira up. "Umm, is someone going to explain why he was a kid just a moment ago?" I asked after a moment. Everyone looked at me for a moment. "Here's a better question. Who are you?" Malia asked, glaring at me.

"I know I sit in the back of the class, but bro, I take math with you; I'm the only other person that sucks at it as much as you do," I said with a weak smile.

"Amaya?" Scott said, looking at me, and I nodded. We had seen each other around the school for three years, we had even been friend's freshman year, but we drifted apart after he got turned. "I think what Malia was asking is, what are you?" Scott said softer.

"Ah, right," I said with a sigh. "You guys can't tell? She's obviously a witch." I heard Derek's voice say as he appeared beside me. "Look at her, she smells human, but she produced an energy blast that managed to stun a Berserker." He added.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm a witch. And I kind of already know what all of you are," I said with a smile. All three of the teens look at me, stunned.

I walked behind everyone as we headed toward the parking lot, where we ran into Lidia, Stiles, and Peter. I stayed quiet as the others discussed what had happened. I wasn't really sure what to do, but I didn't want to just leave; I also didn't have a way to get home; I had just planned on texting my mom when I was done studying.

"Wait, I'm sorry, Kate's alive? I thought Peter killed her." I muttered as I heard Stiles say something to the others about her. "How do you know that? You know what. What are you even doing here, Amaya!" Stiles yelled at me. All I did was smile and shake my head and sigh.

"You guys are not as quiet as you think; even if I didn't have my ability to spot supernatural beings, I still would have figured it out. It doesn't take supernatural hearing to eves drop on you guys. And as for what I was doing here, I was trying to study for a project. But then I ran into the Berserker, and it threw me across the courtyard, so yeah," I said, shaking my head as Stiles stood silent.

I looked around and saw Scott and Derek both smiling at me; I guess it took a lot to shut Stiles up. "We should head home; there's nothing else we can do tonight," Scott said after a moment.

Peter mumbled something under his breath before he walked off. Derek followed after him. Then Scott and Kira hopped on his bike. I saw Stiles and Malia heading towards his Jeep; I was about to say something when I heard someone say my name. "Amaya?" I turned to see Lydia looking at me. "You need a ride home?" she asked. "Yeah," I replied.

"So, you're a witch. Do you have magical abilities? How do they work?" Stiles asked after we all piled in his Jeep and pulled out of the school parking lot. I shrugged, "They started when I was eleven, they seem to be tied to my emotions quite a bit, so I've had to learn to control that. All I can do is see people's aura use telekinesis. Oh, and I can do spells, kind of," I explained.

"Just how strong are you?" Stiles asked as we got closer to my house. "I blew up my room when I was eleven. Other than that, I've never really tested myself to see what I could do; I just taught myself to control my powers." I explained.

"Cool," Malia said, and I smiled. Both Lydia and Stiles turned and looked at us. "Okay then," Lydia said. "It's a left up here," I added. And Stiles just nodded.

After that, the car fell silent, we pulled up at my house, and Lidia got out to let me out. "Hey, you have my number, right?" Lydia asked, and I nodded. "Yeah, you gave it to me when I asked for your math notes last term. Which were really helpful, by the way." I replied. She smiled and nodded, "I'm glad." "Well, I'm glad you guys are okay," I said as I walked towards my front door.

I waved one last time to them as I walked to my door. When I walked inside, all the lights were off except for the one above the kitchen sink; I guess my mom was already asleep. I quietly made my way up to my room and changed into my PJs. After I had changed, I walked out of my bathroom and heard a tap on my window; out of instinct, I grabbed the knife by my bed, my hands glowing silver as I walked slowly to my window.

"Scott! What the hell are you doing here?" I asked as I saw the dark-haired boy outside my window, tossing my knife to my bed and crawling out of my window and onto the roof next to him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to talk." He said, looking at me, worried.

"It's okay," I muttered and waited for him to speak. "You moved here freshman year, right?" he asked, and I nodded. "I remember we used to study together; you helped me get through English. But you stopped hanging how with Stiles and me, sophomore year," he continued.

"Why didn't you ever say anything? You know, about knowing I was a werewolf?" he asked. "I didn't really want to get caught up in everything going on. You guys seemed fine solving your problems on your own." I explained, and Scott nodded.

"And besides, I made a promise," I added, and Scott looked at me confused. I sat there for a moment, deciding what to say. I knew it wasn't a good idea to tell him the whole story, so I opted for the shorter explanation. "I moved to Beacon Hills to live with my mom. Here, I could get a fresh start and go to a better high school. But my dad made me promise I would try to live a normal life away from the supernatural," I said softly. "I see," Scott said, nodding his head.

"Thank you for your help today, by the way," Scott said after a few moments. I smiled. "Of course, I was just doing what anyone would have," I replied. "Not everyone would have put themselves in harm's way like that," Scott responded. "That's true," I nodded.

"So, do you still want to avoid the supernatural?" Scott asked. "I don't think I can now," I said, shaking my head. "Well then, you should hang out with me and my pack; I have a feeling that we'll need all the help we can get," Scott said softly. I nodded, "Really, you're asking me to join you just like that?" I asked, surprised. Scott laughed, "I trust you," he replied. "If you're willing," he added. "I'll think about it," I said, looking down at my hands.

"Well, I should go; see you at school tomorrow?" Scott asked, standing up; I nodded before he jumped off the roof; I watched as he disappeared into the dark.

Once he was gone, my eyes wandered up to the stars. I sat there for a while, just stargazing, my mind spinning with thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder what I had gotten myself into.