Chapter Three

"Step back", said a guy in a belligerent tone. He was a noble, called Leonardo. If I remembered properly, he was dimension four, another of the geniuses in the school. It was quite fortunate he came, if not we'd all be goners. I was slowly recovering and had recuperated enough strength to stand. Even my hazy vision became stable.

Leonardo took out a sword out of its scabbard, then released his aura. It began to clash with the aura of the baboon. The baboon had just taken down four others and the remaining five were afraid.

The baboon stopped instantly and turned to face the new guy... Leonardo. The baboon lunged at Leonardo, directing it's fist towards his face. Leonardo was calm. He only stopped it with her sword. One could see the pressure being exerted by both sides.

We who were present were pushed back, some of us even staggered on the ground. The two then separated and attacked each other again. This continued for some time, none showing signs of weakness or letting down.

"I must commend you human", said the beast.


Everyone there was stunned. After all, no one had heard about blood beasts speaking. This meant that somehow, the beast had found a way to understand and speak human language.

"Shut up you lowly beast", said Leonardo, "What gives you the audacity to commend me, huh?!!!"

His tone was arrogant. Instantly, the beast regretted being polite. This was the response he was getting for commending the human. He felt insulted... Then again, he was actually insulted.

"Die!!!!", it roared at Leonardo.

"You don't get to tell me what to do. Know your place, fool!!!", said Leonardo.

By now, the baboon was filled with unspeakable and nonunderstable rage. It instantly disappeared and appeared in front of Leonardo with his claws outstretched, about to kill Leonardo. Yes, that was the only thing that could compensate it; the dead body of Leonardo. Leonardo just continued to stare condescendingly at the monster, with his sword outstretched.

"Scythe of death", he said just as the baboon appeared in front of him. Then suddenly, the baboon received severe cuts until it was reduced to bits. The beast was no more.


We could only stare in shock, our mouths hung agape. As we watched, we saw a round orb fall out of its body. Leonardo took it and scrutinized it for seconds. He then looked at us.

"That was awesome", said one noble, in praise of Leonardo.

"With your current level, even shit would be awesome", was the response he got.

The guy's ego and esteem was destroyed after that. But Leonardo wasn't done.

"All of you should hurry and scram. If you can't take care of a blood beast who just attained dimension four, then you should go back to kindergarten."

Once again, the self esteem and ego of those present was crushed. Some of them wanted to retort, but nobody wanted a quick trip to the underworld, so they shut up.

"And ..", Leonardo continued.

We expected another foul comment.

"Remember to take these when you come across them", he said, referring to the orb which he was holding.

"Remember, everyone is supposed to gather twenty of these to leave this place. And you need to leave as soon as possible, because by each passing hour, the place becomes more dangerous. I'll tell you only that much."

After saying this, he began to leave.

I was stunned. Leonardo was treating other nobles like nobodies. It really showed the importance of strength. I got up, since I had no more business there. With the information I received, I was ready to move on. I continued walking and I could see the others were doing same.

By now, it was almost sunset, and I was exhausted. I had an inventory, which could be used for storage. I retrieved some food. In a few minutes, I was ready to move on...


Meanwhile, back in Johnston city, precisely Marroy Academy.....

The school stood tall, painted all white, the lush gardens gave the school a breathtaking scenery. in the center of the school, there was a particular building. It was also painted all white, and had lots and lots of rooms. Or offices. It had the words, "ADMINISTRATION".

From the front, one could see a set of offices. At the toppermost left side of the building, the office of the principal could be seen.

Inside, a lady was standing before the principal, Principal McCarthy. She had jet black hair which flowed to her waist. She was clad in a black formal attire, and stockings. She adjusted her glasses and began to speak.

"The students are currently engaged in training. Team II specifically are in the middle of the forest, fighting blood beasts."

She paused, then continued.

"Per the information and signals we're receiving, they're engaged in stronger beasts that are at least dimension four. Was it really worth it?", she asked.

"Sacrifices are necessary. 'Was it really worth it?', you ask? Definitely! You and I know very well that we can't entertain commoners in this prestigious school. It goes against the core norms of the academy. Then again, considering that event in the past, their mysterious survival is a food for thought. Their chances of survival was even less than zero, probably in the negatives and yet not only one person survived. Not even two, but the number's almost fifty!

It is far too mysterious. Anyways, this training is to annihilate those pesky commoners since they won't be able to survive the onslaught of blood beasts. More like they're not strong enough. But if they have any Trump cards beneath their sleeves, now would be the best time find out. It's a win-win for us".

The secretary smiled. But her brows creased again.

"Wouldn't some others get involved in the gray?", she asked.

"Sandra ", called the principal, as that was her name, " Like I mentioned initially, sacrifices are necessary. Sacrifices indeed are necessary. Humans wouldn't have come this far without sacrifice. The massive evolution undergone by humans was mainly due to learning from the mistakes of the many lives lost. It was through those deaths that discoveries were made and solutions found.

Those noble scions who aren't very important in their families could be disposed of, and the blame would be shifted to the commoners,and in the worst case scenario, the teachers. Consider it my contribution to development of the school", said the principal with a very sadistic grin.

" You really are despicable, aren't you?", Sandra smirked.

"I sure am", replied the Principal, with an evil grin...