
It was standard procedure in my house, my older brother and sister would do something great, and my parents and grandparents would rave and congratulate them.

My older siblings were talented, almost to talented.

And like always whenever I did something nearly as good or tried my hardest to get good grades, my family didn't seem to care at all.

Today my older brother who is basically a certified genius just graduated from medical school early.

He is only 20 years old.

Like always my family is celebrating and praising him, but they failed to realize that i accomplished something good today as well.

I got a 100% on my math test today. Math is my worst subject.

Dejected by once again being ignored i placed my math test into the kitchen trash and headed to my room.

Closing the door, I then flopped onto my bed. Nothing ever went my way.

I was only 16 years old, and my parents only looked at me on my birthday and even then, their attention is still divided between my older siblings.

My older siblings are twins, so they also have the unique factor with them. They are like each other's best friends. Their names are James and Claire Cain. Eldest siblings of the great and rich Cain family.

I don't think i have even had a full-on conversation with them, not that I haven't tried.

'What if i just leave.' I suddenly thought to myself.

I have nothing going for me and it's a better alternative than ending my own life.

So why not.

I shot up from my bed went to my closet, grabbed a duffel bag and started to pack my clothes.

Downstairs I could hear the beat of the music playing and multiple guests talking happily.

'They even through a party for him.'

I shook my head not wanting to think about them any longer. I made my decision, I was leaving and not going to look back. I am going to make a name for myself, all on my own.

Ten minutes later my small duffel bag was packed with a few sets of clothes and some money that i had lying around. It wasn't more than 100 dollars but i will have to make it work.

Looking around my room one last time, I was getting a little sentimental as this was the place i lived for the past 15 years of my life. However deep in my heart i knew that i was going to be moving on the bigger and better places.

"Ok let's go." I said to myself as I climbed out of the window.

My room was only on the second story in our four-story mansion/ house. So, I was safe to jump down.


I landed with a thump on the soft grass and then rand sneakily past the guards towards the back fence. I was always good at sneaking around and making myself almost invisible, so it was easy for me to get past them.

I hopped the fence and ran as fast as I could for as long as I could till, I saw the outskirts of the city in my view.

I went to the nearest bus station that I could find used around 20 dollars of the money I had and bought a ticket out of the city going as far away from my family and their home turf as possible.

I did it. I ran away.

Today will go down as the day Zach Cain left the great and glorious Cain family all on his own at 15 years old.

I can't wait for what's next.