That answer angered this old man, who stared at this young man, who was looking at him without any fear, "young man,Simba has sent you to a very dangerous place, and you are lucky to be alive until this moment" said the old man, while the prostitute stopped looking at him The young man grabs the old man's dick, which is now loose, and takes it to his mouth, then he begins to suck it. A young stranger looks at the incident and then he looks at the bed where he sees Zamda crying as he is sitting on the bed, then he looks again at Mr. Songoro, "I'm sorry old man, how can we get into business now" asked the young man, whose voice you can tell he's speaking with disdain. but the truth is that, the voice is full of gentleness, like his face, "ok! stay there, make sure you have two hundred million, while I make up for the trouble this idiot brought me" said the old man as he turned and looked at Zamda who was as empty as she was born. The truth is that Zamda who had found hope to get out of the disaster, now that she saw that the pot is empty and the money is no we're to be seen, Zamda looked at the young man, while praying that the young man would not have to deal with that matter, even though he clearly knew that this young man, he could not oppose the old man's decisions Songoro, an old cat with strong and rude young people, like those who came to take him to their home. Zamda saw the young man, with a gentle and attractive face, shaking his head sadly, "old man, you can't do that, I have been ordered to bring the girl safely to her home," said the young man in a quiet voice as usual. Then Zamda raises her face again to look at the young man, he claims that he has been sent to take her back to her parents home, she sees him looking at old Songoro, Zamda looks at old Songoro, who now seems angry, it is clear that he likes to be challenged in his decisions or what he wants to do, " who are you to say no in front of me?" asked old Songoro, as he turned back to look at the young man, who was still looking at old Songoro, without any concern, "then why don't I see anything you are carrying, where is my money?" asked old Songoro in a voice with a lot of anger. Zamda looked at the young man, it is true that he had nothing in his hand, and the amount of money that he heard the old man Songoro mention, namely two million, could not stay in his pants pocket, then Zamda saw that this young man was coming to help him, but he had come to make things difficult more, and now he started to take pictures as he wanted to be angry, "my contract with my client is to come to pick up Zamda, not to bring money" said the young man in the same quiet voice. Isn't Mr. Songoro the one to look surprised, because of the confidence of the young man, even the guy was behind this young man, he was very surprised, "Kenny, where did you get this man, why if he seems to be lacking in dignity, can he talk nonsense in front of me? " cried old man Songoro, while pushing the prostitute to aside that he was using her dick, you could say it was hot, and fell to the side, completely empty, then old man Songoro started walking towards the door while he put his dick back in his pants, and zipped it up. Then Zamda found out that what happened next was to see the young man being subjected to something terrible, because this old man seemed to be too angry, "young man, perhaps today is your lucky day, because until now I would have already scattered your brains, now I am sending you toSimba, go and tell him that I am having sex with his daughter, and then come and take his wife," said old Songoro, in a voice full of anger as he looked at this young man, who showed no sign of fear or anxiety, "there is no plan on plan, that is my order number four" said the confident young man, "what do you mean by your order, young man, your forcing death" said old Songoro in an angry voice, "it means I finish the task of returning Zamda to his father, then I will be able to receive another task of delivering your message to "old man Simba" said the young man, who quickly even you, the reader, would get angry, because if he was bringing a joke to this old man, who didn't like jokes. Then the old man Songoro could not tolerate the nonsense of this young man, he looked at the young man named Kenny who was looking at this young man, with surprised eyes, "Kenny, this idiot should not be killed in here, go and kill him outside, I think his body can help us send the load to Zanzibar "said old Songoro, then he turned and started walking back to bed, while Zamda saw the young man from Songoro, that is Kenny, put his hand on his waist, the level of his hips, and came out with a gun, "khaaaa! I don't like guns" said the young man, this time looking a little disgusted, "send him to the fool, and make sure you take good care of his body" said old Songoro. And then Zamda saw Kenny, pointing to the gentle young man and asking him to come out, "get out, you fool, you want us to look like you, but you come with the burden of the boss" said Kenny, who was still pointing at the gentle young man, "old man I probably haven't told you my order number nine" said the young man, explaining to old Songoro, as they went out, and Kenny closed the door. Now that Zamda knew what was going to happen next, she was filled with anger, it was like the gentle boy, came to make things worse, "you will tell me in hell" answered old Songoro in a very loud voice, with great anger, as he reached the bed and opened his Zip again and takes out his private part, then he grabs Zamda's hair and pulls her to him, while his other hand grabs her penis and moves it to the mouth of this young, beautiful girl, who closes her mouth tightly, "you little bitch, open your mouth before I come to my mind, have you seen what your father has to play with me" said old Songoro, while he was pulling the innocent girl's hair, who is now muttering about the pain of her hair and pain, without opening her mouth. Now, Zamda had increased the anger of this old man, because he pushed him forcefully on the bed, "you idiot, turn this bitch" said old man Songoro, telling the other woman, while he finished pulling down his pants, and took them off completely, and the woman grabbed him Zamda forcefully, and laid her on her face, then pressed her by placing her legs on her back, and her hands were holding her very well, and then Zamda knew what was going to happen to her, after seeing the old man Songoro getting ready to get on the bed, indeed Zamda shouted for help, when it was not known if anyone can come help her. Well, but before old man Uledi Songoro, got on the bed, suddenly they heard a big bang outside the door, the sound of someone falling, old man Uledi was shocked and stopped getting on the bed, "Kenny, I said it's not here , go outside, kill that savage..." before he finished to speak they heard a loud bang again, this time it was the banging of the door, which flew open and crashed to the ground, while Kenny followed him, obviously he was the one who opened the door, after falling on it, or being pushed by something heavy. Indeed, the shock that the old man Uledi Songoro experienced, is not from this land of milk and loss, you would have seen it after pitying him and you would have laughed, because it was a shock accompanied by the surprise of the year, while he looked at Kenny, who was lying on the door without moving himself, keeping his eyes on the door, where the old man Songoro looked, he saw the young man entering as he did, and following him slowly until he was standing near the bed. There Zamda saw the young man closely, who really had an attractive face, a body that every woman would desire, who likes good things, the problem is that, this time this young man was wet with blood, in his hands and clothes, who was now standing very close to old Songoro, who was shaking with fear, "another day remember not to leave the plan on the way, that's order number nine" said this young man, then he turned to Zamda who was naked as he was born, "Zamda Simba isn't it?" asked the young man, at that time the prostitute, who had already left Zamda, and remained on the side trembling with fear, Zamda who started to fear this young man, nodded his head to confess, "ok! get up let's go" said this young man, and then Zamda got up quickly without waiting the situation he was in, approached this young man, who pulled a sheet from the bed and gave it to Zamda, without saying anything. And then Zamda understood what the sheet meant, so she quickly covered herself and started to follow our boy, who started walking outside, leaving old Uledi Songoro, who opened his eyes in great surprise, and looked at this boy, until he disappeared into the corridor, "how can these fools let this stupid fucker to act like this, let me show him why you dont pull the fur from a monkey cheeks" said old Songoro, as he quickly put on his pants and grabbed his briefcase from the pocket of the suit he had left on the couch, then he left the room, leaving the prostitute, amazed at what has happened. see today, what happened to his boss Songoro, because there is no one who has the violence to do this to old Songoro. Mzee Songoro, when he emerges in the corridor, having left Kenny lying on the door, he meets the bodies of his three young men, who always work to protect the corridor, while he is in that room, lying on the floor, on pools of blood, they are completely silent, "my god, what is this" wondered Songoro, as he walked outside, where what he found surprised him the most, "is this a human or a devil" asked Songoro, who completely forgot the evil he was about to do to his fellow humans, and wondered what he did you can see what happened to his young people... Well, the second part is the one that was cut off, you wonder who this young man is, and why he decided to do this job that is coming to take Zamda, that was all there was to do