Garcia stood there at the door, traumatized by what she had just seen. She couldn’t believe those ambiguous moans that couldn’t let her sleep last night were all coming out from this room. Despite seeing the truth in front of her, she still found it hard to believe as flashback of last night came buzzing inside her head; those loud moans which made her think that it could be Lorenzo at it again, never did she know it was her own daughter having a dirty affair in her own house. She wanted to check on them last night out of anger but her husband had stopped her from doing so.

Last night she couldn't sleep because of those passionate sounds, she had to put on a headphones in order to block the moaning sounds that were depriving her from her sleep.

“Mom, please give us a minute”. Silver pleaded, snapping Garcia out from her daze. She was indeed embarrassed to be seen standing naked with a man, in front of her mother.