The plan

Ruby has been bugging me about Lucas , the confession she so desire to see and reap the glory of I told he likes you

But am more of a business person after my dad went down the drain it was all on me to bring him back up . Though he’s not here to see it , I just wish he would wake up and see the daughter he raised. Today ruby and I are heading to the hospital to see my dad and know if he’s getting better and as well as talk to him and do some investigation as our private investigator is coming today with some news on what happened to my dad company and health years ago. I want to know who’s involved in my dads downfall as I plan to bring them all down and get my revenge and show them that we didn’t forget what happened

Ruby time to go I called for my sister, ruby let’s go ok.

Are we seeing Edmund today.

Yes I told you we’ll meet up after dads visit.

Ok that’s nice.

We arrived at the hospital

where my dad is being treated and went directly to his room ,after talking to him even tho he doesn’t reply it’s still felt nice to talk to him.

Ruby I’ll be right back am gonna have a chat with doctor king ok.

Ok I’ll wait right here. Beside there’s some secret I want to tell him.

thats on you kiddo I said while a goofy grin

On my way to the doctor’s office I ran into cara and her minions God I don’t have time for this today so I try my best to avoid her.

Look what the street dragged in miss pearl Black the former city pride.

Oh Darla don’t be rude.

But it’s true cara she’s broke , I wonder how she’s still able to come to our school in her status.

That is true, pearl how do you come to our school.

Cara I don’t think that’s your business I said sounding bored.

Hey don’t talk to her like that.

Its ok lily, you know she’s going through a lot I do understand her hostile behavior, it’s not easy having your dad in coma for years while still broke . So tell me pearl how’s your crush with Lucas has it died down or it’s still there.

i don’t have a crush on your boyfriend cara I said with a lazy reply.

Don’t give me that crap pearl you and I know you’ve always had a crush on Lucas , even as kids she said with a triumphant smile.

well you must have read it all wrong then because I don’t like Lucas.

Hmmm she said while contemplating if she believes me or not , I don’t believe you because my dear old friend you always find it difficult to let things go.

I grew up cara , life isn’t bed of roses.

Actually it’s is when you have money but you wouldn’t understand that know would you being broke and going to a prestigious school on scholarship.

Am not on scholarship cara.

No? Then how do then you come to our school if not on scholarship or you have an old fat man you swindle for his money. She said with a devilish grin . Oh my dear pearl is a sugar baby . Oh my dear pathetic old friend she said with a victorious smile

Good bye cara.

you’re walking out on me . How dare you. You are a sugar baby right she replied with the fakest sympathy I have ever seen.

That’s enough cara.

well if it isn’t Rubbish.

My name is ruby you piece of bones.

Ruby stop.

No pearl let her talk , you see ruby this is called sexiness and that’s something you’ll never have ,that why Lucas will never love you because he doesn’t have time to carry your fat weight around when he has billion dollar company to inherit and run.

how did you know that ? She said .shock written all over her face

Darling rubbish.

Cara that’s not her name.

No then what is it

Its R.U.B.Y you piece of stick

Ruby enough let’s go

Pearl stand up to her

I don’t want to fight Ruby

Stand up to cara have you lost your mind rubbish

Darla that’s not her name I said with anger clearly shown in my eyes

Darla, Lily can you go wait in the car

But what about

No buts lily. the car , we watched as her two minions walked away in fear of angering cara or saying the wrong word , wimps they are like their fathers

Now listen to me you piece of Rubbish

cara that’s not her name.

Then what is pearl.

My name is Ruby.

a very wrong name for a stupid girl. Pearl can never stand up to me or against me for that matter because you don’t have the resources to back you up you’re nothing but fallen Princesses and trust me when I say that’s no prince is coming to the rescue because you’re not only fat and ugly but dumb like you’re father and that’s why he made a wrong move and crumbled the entire black empire and have you leaving of charity like beggars on the street who is now a sugar baby to an old fat man .And to answer your question my little rubbish I do know that she loves Lucas because if you forget so easily we were best friends until she decided to slap me in the face by liking who I liked.

enough cara leave ruby alone.

you mean Rubbish and that’s when I lost it and slapped her across the face . The shock on her face was epic wish I had a camera to tape it.

how dare you slap me she said while throwing a tantrum it’s a wonder how the nurse hasn’t arrived with all the commotion

you'll regret this pearl wait till I destroy you totally she said while walking away in anger.

Heading to the doctors office to check if your nose job got bad from pearls slap and that

stopped her right on her track

Listen to me you rude child she said while walking back to us

Oh it’s rude now glad pearl slapped the rubbish out of your head

My nose job is none of your business

But when it’s bad it becomes people business I replied

thanks for the concern pearly shore I’ll take my leave now

she walk away not before throwing empty threats

oh and pearl this is far from over you’ll regret ever hurting me she said while making her exit

See, like I said empty threat , Come on ruby let’s go to the doctor and why are you here

well you’re not coming early like you promised and i came to get you because Edmund called.

where is he?

the golden cafe downtown.

we’ll let make it quick it’s rude to keep people waiting . We got to the doctor’s office and he share the same news as he always does but we still thanked him and left,

we got to the cafe and sat down to hear what he’s about to tell us

So mr Edmund how has the investigation been going?

Its nice to see you too pearl as he nods he’s head to Ruby’s in acknowledgment.

what have you got for me?

well it’s seem that Mr storm which is cara’s father and your father are the best of friends.

I know that Edmund.

but do you know that your mother was a storm ?

well that’s new replied ruby.

so you’re say that’s the blacks and storm are related through my mother?

Yes but no exactly.

what do you mean?

what am trying y to say is your mother was an illegitimate child and no body knew of her. well her image was known but not her presence, she was always locked up but treated good.

Then how did my father get involved with her?

thats where it get tricky . Mr storm introduced them together as mutual friends and the rest is history.

Well you gonna have to dig in more than just come up with history and family lessons. I want to know how my father the richest man in the world came down to nothing and how he got that accident that left him in the coma.

I’ll get right on that.

We shook hands and left went our separate ways.

pearl what are we gonna do

well sister we’re get our revenge I said while give her a cold smile

i can’t wait for that

neither can I