Chapter 16 - A Secret from the Past.

While sitting in the Fiesta, Elizabeth things, 'It's a good idea to gather information from Zoey because who knows Harold better than her'. Harold helps Elizabeth out of the Fiesta then he helps carry her bag, to which they lock up the Fiesta and makes their way inside the Edwards home.

Elizabeth and Harold heads inside, greets everyone and asks them, "How are things going?". Everyone including Manny, Chris and Rose answers that things are great while Michelle ask them, "How are things with the two of you?" since they seem tired and stressed out about something. Harry answers, "We've never felt better but things went crazy with the shopping and the day out". Elizabeth asks Zoey, "Could I speak with you in private, please" Zoey says, "Sure, let's head to my old room" while Michelle reminds them, "Don't forget, I'll need your help in the kitchen while the men sets the tables outside and clears the driveway for us".